Top 10 Worst Thanksgiving Dishes

When planning thanksgiving try not to add the following dishes. These dishes are not things people would want to eat. Try eating it yourself before serving and you will know what I mean.

Top 10 Worst Prime Ministers Of Canada

A great Prime Minister is a leader and not a follower. He/She makes decisions which the citizens and demo follow. They are also open to the public and make every effort to improve Quality of Life. The following 10 Prime Ministers of Canada have done the exact opposite.

Top 10 Worst Habits Children Have

Don’t you hate when your child does something gross? Which parent’s mouth won’t drop to hear their child say something they never expected them to say? We all have. The reality is that many children pick up on bad habits and addictions. Here are just 10 worst habits children have.

Top 10 Worst US Presidents

United States has attempted to elect Presidents to get the job done right. There are various Presidents throughout history who have not stood by their word and have gone against the will of the people. Their decisions and actions are insufficient and unruly. Many of them do not act fast and are also not right for the job. As such, here are the top 10 worst US Presidents.
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Top 10 Worst Drinks

What is the worst possible thing to drink? No matter how thirsty you are, you should try to avoid them because of the effect they'll have on your...