Finding the best web hosting provider is one of the critical elements for a successful management of your personal or business Website. It would be interesting to learn of the best web hosting providers in terms of client preference, service features and cost of hosting services. Here are our top 10 Web Hosting providers based on these parameters.
The main feature of this hosting service provider is its unlimited domain hosting. It also offers open-ended MySQL databases, pre-installed scripts, shared SSL, FrontPage extensions and a lot more.
This web hosting service provider boasts of a very strong technical support to clients. It provides web hosting plans that are Linux-based and include features such as PERL, E-commerce solutions, FrontPage extensions, Photo Gallery and Forum, ASP, PHP support and a lot more. offers the topnotch cPanel hosting service. It provides all-in-one package offers with features that include FTP accounts, add-on domains, open-ended e-mail addresses and other advanced features such as SSL support, Secure Shell Access, PERL and a lot more.
BlueHost boast is regarded as the leading multi-domain hosting service provider. One can have multi-domain names on one single account. The hosting package offer of this service provider comes with features such as multiple FTP accounts, multiple MySQL databases, CGI/PERL, PHP Support and a lot more.
IXWebHosting is regarded as one of the best business web hosting service provider. It is one of the leading service providers that offer budget and affordable web hosting packages. Its packages come with a lot of features and deliver reliable support service to clients.
EasyCGI offers the best windows hosting service among all the leading providers. Its Basic Hosting plan is perfect for small and medium personal or business web sites. The key features of the hosting plan include multiple email accounts, FTP accounts, PERL 5, PHP, ASP, SSH and a lot more.
JustHost provides unlimited disk space and bandwidth and a lifetime offer of free domain. Its web hosting plans also come with $75 worth of free advertising accounts. JustHost is committed to provide its client with the more practical and reliable service. This web hosting service provider boasts of affordable web hosting plans, secure and reliable servers, topnotch 24/7 customer service among others.
Its web hosting plan consists of 1500 gigabytes of disk space and 15,000 gigabytes of bandwidth. Their hosting plan offers come with free credits for Google AdWords. Its hosting packages are offered at very affordable rates and clients are assured of reliable 24/7 technical support. This service provider hosts over 70,000 sites from more than 100 countries.
StartLogic operates under the dictum ‘real service, real people and real savings.’ This web hosting service provider offers individuals and companies with a less expensive hosting alternative. It offers value-added service that includes search engine optimization. Its web hosting package offers come with a 99.9% guaranteed uptime.
Go Daddy offers multiple domain registration which is a cost effective option for clients. It does not charge any setup fee and guarantees 24/7 technical support service. This service provider was recently named as the “Best Registrar” in the 2009 survey of Domain Name Wire.
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