Top Ten Popular Outdoor Games for Kids

Playing outdoor games continues to be one of the favorite past times of kids, in spite of all the play stations and Xboxes that are flooding living rooms across the globe. This list looks at the top 10 most popular games that continue to be favorites among kids.

1. Freeze Tag

Freeze Tag Game

An informal playground game, Freeze Tag involves one or more players who have to try to “tag” other players by touching them with their hands. It is a simple game which requires no sports equipment, scores, or teams. However the game can be made complex with various rule modifications. The game is mostly played in informal areas such as backyards and play grounds.


2. Horse – Shooting Game in Basketball

Horse Shooting Game Basketball

You get a letter for every missed shop in this game. The first player to spell the word “horse” loses. In H-O-R-S-E, the object is to be the last to accrue the five letters, H-O-R-S-E. The shots in the game of H-O-R-S-E are mostly lucky shots or trick shots aimed to make the other person miss. The game is played by two or more persons.

3. Red Light, Green Light

Red Light Green Light Game

Facing the opposite direction, the commander calls out green light which is the command to walk and forward or red light which is the command to stop. You are out if you are caught moving by the commander when the command is to stop.


4. Shadow Tag

Shadow Tag Game

In this game, the idea is to tag someone by moving to their shadow. The child must first of all find his or her shadow. You can see what happens to the shadow by moving around and changing directions. You can chase as well as lose the shadow. Whoever is “it” must try to step on another shadow.


5. Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek Game

Hide-and-seek is a game where several hide themselves in the environment and will be found by one or more seekers. You can find several variants of the game worldwide. This is an old favorite among children’ games.

6. Flashlight Tag

Flashlight Tag Game

Played at night mostly, the game mixes the popular games, hide and seek with tag. When other players hide, the person who is “it” waits at the “jail” counting to a high number. The person armed with a flashlight searches for other players who may be changing hiding spots. The flashlight must remain on at all times and may not be covered. The game is played during the night.

7. Hopscotch


This game is fairly simple and can be played alone or with several players. It is generally played on playgrounds by children. There is a course for playing this game whose designs vary. The course comprises of many linear squares interspersed with blocks of two lateral squares. Traditionally the course ends with a “safe” or “home” base in which the player may turn before completing the reverse trip.


8. Kick the Can

Kick the Can

Kick the can similar to the game of tag is played outdoors, with three to a few dozen players, usually children. In this game, one person designated as “it” and a can or similar object is placed in the open. The other players conceal themselves while “it” covers his or her eyes and counts to a pre decided number. You must try and kick a ball or can over the other teams end line.

9. Catching Fireflies

Catching Fireflies

Children also enjoy catching fireflies on a warm summer evening which is an enjoyable pass time. All you need is a dark field or forest, a flashlight and a jar!


10. Handball


This game is played against a single wall by two or four players who strike a rubber ball with their hands or against walled apace. There are various versions of the game which is played by kids outdoors.

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