In the last few years, photo sharing has gained lot of importance as a method for clubs or associations to distribute photographs online. Hence these photo sharing websites have become useful tools and sources for managing photos online. The following are some of the top photo sharing sites to work with.
1. Flickr
Flickr is one of the most popular photo sharing sites. It also helps members online to post their photographs easily. Bloggers also use this as a photo repository. You can upload your photographs on to Flickr easily and then send the slideshow link of the tag. Flickr does not invole any payment.
2. Slideoo
Through Slideoo, Flickr users can make streaming slideshows of the photos. After becoming a registered member of Flickr, you have to create a slideshow by entering a Flickr username. After customizing the image size, slideshow width and the picture number, Slideoo helps to compile the images in a format that can be scrollable.
3. SimpleViewer
This is a customizable, free Flash photos application from Airtight Interactive. It enables users to easily view the photos and go through the thumbnails. By simply clicking on a thumbnail you can make alterations to the selected photo. You can also create your own SimpleViewer gallery.
4. Jumpcut
This is video publishing site which is totally free. It also has an on-line slideshow and video editing tool. You can alter the trim clips and add transitions through the use of Flash interface. Jumpcut can make you add photos from Flickr or you can upload your images. You can not only remix a video but can also using a video camera email your videos.
5. SoundSlides
You can get audio-visual presentations onto the web easily and affordably using Soundslides. Through this feature you can easily make your presentation which can be viewed on any browser. These are not free and come as two versions for both Mac and PC: the basic version and the professional version which is obviously costlier.
6. Photobucket
Photobucket provides several tools for making slideshows of photos, music, videos and lots more free of cost. These can be shared by users through IM, email and mobile phone. This is a great site which will let you upload photos and is very popular MySpace users. You can choose either paid or free plans while using Photobucket.
7. Imageloop
Imageloop enables users to create their own animated slideshows for showcasing digital photos. These can be published on social networking sites and blogs. Anyone can make use of this site and no experience in the technical field is necessary. You can give the Slideshow a unique look after uploading your photographs. You can also if you wish add brief description and title to your photos to make them appear on your Slideshow.
8. Slide
Slide is the chosen tool among MySpace users for exhibiting their best pictures in a nice way. The slide shows can be placed in RSS feeds, added to websites or kept as a screensaver on your desktop.
9. Smugmug
Another online photo sharing site, Smugmug is very user friendly. It has several options using which you can share your photos with others. This site enables you to post photos and add footers and captions to your photos. This will enable people know each event as shown by each photograph.
10. Zooomr
Zooomr is a free hosting and photo-sharing service just like Flickr. It supports geo tagging and multiple languages. It’s another notable feature is the “portal” which is nothing but clickable zones used to attach photos together. Zooomr is free.
You shouldnot miss BlueMelon and Picasa – these are great services.
BlueMelon has all of the features you might think necessary – with, for the time being, the exception of video support. Picasa is missing some of the features BlueMelon offers but supports video. They both offer 1 GB of free storage and are both easy to use although BlueMelon is generally more user-friendly.
Try either of them or both. You will definitely not regret trying them.
I just signed up with Unlimited storage for both videos and pictures and it’s completly free.
No monthly limits or qoutas.
Photos and videos are stored in their original formats and sizes and are kept unmodified for backup.
I also like that you can geo-tag your stuff so it shows up on a map. And you can search for stuff on the map – that’s cool!.
As the only site i know of it uses a Windows Explorer like navigation with folders – super easy to use – even has drag and drop!.
I can highly recommend it.
Amazing information about image sharing. I also suggest public domain photography in which you share all photos and images free. Visit to submit your collections. Thanks For Sharing.