Top 10 Devastating Hurricanes in American History

Devastating hurricanes have wreaked havoc and loss of lives and property in the U.S. While the number of casualties from these storms has come down over the years, the cost associated with these storms has soared profoundly. This has been due to reconstruction expenses and more expensive homes and businesses around the area. There have been several devastating hurricanes that have hit the United States in the last hundred years.


1. Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina

This hurricane started on August 23, 2005 and was one of the most devastating hurricanes in American history. It left almost two thousand people dead and damage estimates was to the extent of 200 million dollars. Katrina was listed under the hurricane category 5.


2. Hurricane Andrew

Hurricane Andrew

This hurricane was also a category five storm that hit South Florida on August 24, 1992. Wind speed was at one hundred and sixty five miles per hour, and it cost thirty billion dollars in damage at the time. Many buildings were demolished and South Florida was devastated.


3. Hurricane Wilma

Hurricane Wilma

This hurricane started on October 15, 2005, and was accompanied with winds of one hundred and twenty five miles an hour. This storm listed under category five killed thirty one people in America and left many homeless. It was the most intense cyclone ever recorded in the Atlantic basin.


4. Hurricane Rita

Hurricane Rita

This hurricane hit the Southern US after starting on September 17, 2005. The hurricane led to at least 150 deaths. Rita caused $11.3 billion in damage on the U.S Gulf Coast in September 2005.Damages from this hurricane were to the extent of six billion dollars.


5. Hurricane Camille

Hurricane Camille

This storm started on August 18, 1969 and hit Mississippi, accompanied by winds to the speed of one hundred and eight miles an hour. Over two hundred and fifty people lost their lives owing to the storm and damages were to the extent of one and a half billion dollars at the time.


6. Hurricane Donna

Hurricane Donna

In 1960, this hurricane hit the Florida Keys before moving on to Fort Myers, Florida, Gulf of Mexico and then landing in North Carolina, and then into Long island. This storm left 50 people dead and damages were to the extent of one billion dollars in 1960.


7. Hurricane Charley

Hurricane Charley

This was one of the most devastating hurricanes that started on the date August 13, 2004, and devastated the Florida city. This hurricane caused 14 billion in damage and more than thirty five deaths. This storm was unpredicted and took storm watchers by surprise.


8. Hurricane Hugo

Hurricane Hugo

Hurricane Hugo was also extremely devastating and left seven billion dollars worth of damage. This storm hit South Carolina in 1989 and was accompanied by winds of one hundred and thirty five miles an hour.


9. Hurricane Celia

Hurricane Celia

In 1970 this hurricane struck the area of Corpus Christi, Texas and led to damages worth four hundred and fifty billion dollars by the time it was done. The storm left 11 people dead and many others injured. About nine thousand homes were devastated and over fifty thousand more homes and buildings were damaged.


10. Hurricane Eloise

Hurricane Eloise

Leading to over 21 deaths, this hurricane started in September of 1975 and cost more than one billion dollars at the time. Winds accompanying the hurricane had speed of one hundred and fifty six miles an hour, and this was the first serious hurricane which completely destroyed the area.

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