Have you ever wondered about the lakes in this world? Ever tried to find out which ones are the largest lakes? Well if you are curious to know about the largest lakes then this list can be your best guide. In this list of the Top 10 Largest Lakes in the world we will tell you about each lake in detail and inform you why the lake is given the position it holds.
1. Caspian Sea
The name topping the list is the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan in Iran. It is 152,239 sq. miles in area, 745 miles in length and is 3,104 feet deep. An interesting fact is that the Romans named the Caspian Sea as Mare Caspium, a sea, as they found it salty. It is both magnificent and beautiful.
2. Lake Superior
The next in the list is Lake Superior. It is situated in U.S.-Canada. It is 31,820 sq. miles in area. It is also 383 miles in length and 1,333 feet in depth. Lake Superior is a stunning picnic spot and should be visited at least once in your whole life-time.
3. Lake Victoria
After Lake Superior is Lake Victoria. It is located in Tanzania-Uganda. There is a lot of difference in dimensions between Lake Superior and Lake Victoria. It covers an area of 26,828 sq. miles, is 200 miles in length and 270 feet in depth.
4. Lake Huron
The next in the list is Lake Huron. It covers an area of 23,010 sq. miles. But in length and depth it is bigger than Lake Victoria. It has a length of 247 miles and a depth of 750 feet which is considerably larger than Lake Victoria. It is situated in U.S.-Canada.
5. Lake Michigan
The next lake is Lake Michigan in USA. It is 22,400 sq. miles in area. This lake is 321 miles long and 923 feet deep. This lake is even deeper than Lake Huron.
6. Lake Aral
Lake Michigan is followed by Lake Aral. It is located in Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan. It is 13,000 sq. miles in area 266 miles in length and 233 feet in depth. It is much smaller in all its dimensions compared to its predecessors.
7. Lake Tanganyika
The next lake is Lake Tanganyika. It is 12,700 sq. miles in area. It has an amazing depth of 4,708 feet and a length of 420 miles. It is situated in Tanzania in Congo.
8. Lake Baikal
After Lake Tanganyika comes Lake Baikal. It is situated in Russia. It is the deepest lake in the entire world with a depth of 5712 feet. It is 12,162 sq. miles in area and is 395 miles long. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world.
9. Lake Great Bear
This next lake is true to its name and is really great. Lake Great Bear is in Canada. It covers an area of 12,000 sq. miles and is 232 miles long and 270 feet deep. It is truly a sight to behold.
10. Lake Nyasa
This is the last lake in the list. Lake Nyasa is situated in Malawi-Mozambique-Tanzania. It covers an area 11,600 sq. miles. It is 360 miles in length and 2,316 feet in depth. This lake though last in the list is not at all the least and it is highly recommended that you go to see it.
The Caspian Sea is saltwater. Great Bear Lake is about 300,000 acres larger than Lake Baikal. Aral has shrunken by 90% and is no longer a “large” lake, so Great Slave Lake is now #10. Lake Erie is #10 if you count ONLY freshwater lakes. Here are the largest 11 lakes – by acres – in the world, according to Lakelubbers.com:
Caspian Sea (saltwater) – 107.7 million acres
Lake Superior – 20.3 million acres
Lake Victoria – 17.0 million acres
Lake Huron – 14.7 million acres
Lake Michigan – 14.3 million acres
Lake Tanganyika – 7.9 million acres
Great Bear Lake – 7.813 million acres
Lake Baikal – 7.782 million acres
Lake Malawi (aka Lake Nyasa) – 7.3 million acres
Great Slave Lake – 6.7 million acres
Lake Erie – 6.3 million acres
640 acres = one square mile.
See: http://www.lakelubbers.com/worlds-largest-lakes-in-world-acres-C1/
Thanks for that, are these places good to travel to from a lakes and mountains holidays point of view? I’d love to have the opportuntiy to go to these places if they are catered for..