Just like you should make a Bucket List before you die, you should go out and eat these dishes before you die as well.
1. Spotted Dick
This desert is also known as Plum Duff and is made of rum, dried currants and custard. If you know which restaurant to go to, you will also find some rum on top. Even though the name is not that appealing, this sweet dish is delicious and you will find yourself craving for more with every bite you take.
2. Churrasco
Churrasco is native to Brazil and Argentina and is basically a new and unique way of serving meat. Both these countries are known for their amazing steaks made of mutton, lamp, pork and chicken. The steak is served fresh off the grill and comes with rice, fruits and corn. Since Brazil in known for its mangoes, they will add a generous helping of this fruit- which makes it all the more delicious and mouth watering.
3. Pizza
Who doesn’t like a good pizza? It’s cheesy, warm and thick- the crust can be filled with cheese if you want and the oregano will only make it better! The best pizza is found in Napoli and once you step into any pizzeria there, you will come out with lighter pockets and heavy stomachs!
4. Fire-Roasted Lamb
Even though lamb is available almost everywhere in the world, the fire-roasted lamb that is cooked in Greece is something you must eat before you die. This dish is cooked best by the grandmothers of Stavros who rub the meat with several apples as it is cooking. The lamb is then served with stuffed grape leaves, baklava and red wine.
5. Sachertorte
This desert is native to Vienna which is world renowned for its sweet dishes and you will find it on the menu of the Sacher Hotel. It is basically a slice of chocolate cake which is meant to be dry, filled with apricot jam and topped with dark chocolate icing. You will also find heavy cream on its side and the entire combination is sure to transport you to another world.
6. American Cavier
Many people think twice before chewing on raw fish eggs but fact remains that this dish is extremely classy and can taste very good. Every person should have at least an ounce and sip on some vodka every now and then.
7. Spaghetti Bolognese
Native to Italy, this dish is now available in every part of the world. The sauce is chunky, the noodles are slippery and it may get slightly messy but it will all be worth it. Slurp in these noodles while you sip on some red wine. While everybody has eaten this Italian dish at least once in their lifetime, you have to visit the beautiful country to truly understand how delicious it is.
8. Butter Chicken
This Indian dish is heavy and extremely fattening but if you are up for it, you should eat a bowl or two. It is usually eaten with a type of bread called ‘naan’ and is served with green ‘chutney’ and red onions.
9. Hot Dog from a Street Cart
These hot dogs are usually found in the United States and are to die for. The street vendors cover the sausages in the bread with mustard, relish and onions. They are spectacular and will be enjoyed even by those who find the idea of eating out of a cart on the street truly appalling!
10. Snake
Snake tastes like chicken but much much better!
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god, i love naan. T_T
I was born and raised in Brazil and lived here for almost 26 years, and I have never eaten churrasco with mango or with any fruit at all, and I never saw anyone doing this. Only with rice and salads.
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