Top 10 Flowers for Every Season

Plants and flowers have always played an important role in throughout history. Scientists estimate that there are currently over 270,000 species of flowers that have been documented and about 125,000 of those have evolved in the last 125 years.

Flowers in the past as well as today are used for decoration, expressing feelings, and even commemorating important events. But individuals that are primarily focused on their flowerbeds should know what flowers work best together. Flower gardens should consist of flowers that bloom at different times of the year and boast a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors.

By including different types of flowers, the gardener is bound to have the best looking flower bed. However, in order to get an award winning flower bed that sets you apart from everyone else it’s important to know the top ten flowers for each season.


1. Phlox

2. Vinca

3. Scilla

4. Daffodils

5. Pasque Flower

6. Allium

7. Hyacinth

8. Gladiolus

9. Tulips

10. Crocus



1. Daylily

2. Black Eyed Susan

3. Hosta

4. Blanket Flower

5. Rose

6. Stoncecrop –Vera Jameson

7. Bell Glower

8. Aster

9. Shasta Daisy

10. Balloon Flower Liatris



1. Michaelmas Daisy

2. Blue Mist Shrub

3. Turtlehead

4. Chrysanthemum

5. Joe Pye Weed

6. Sneezeweed – Helenium

7. Perennial sunflower- Helianthus

8. False sunflower – Heliopsis

9. Stonecrop – Sedum

10. Solidago – Goldenrod



1. Camellias

2. Evergreen holly

3. Snowdrops

4. Crape Myrtle

5. Bergenia

6. Witch hazel

7. Hellebores

8. Snow  Berry

9. Winter Jasmine

10. Mahonia


There are so many different kinds of plants that it can be difficult to know what to plant. Fortunately, this guide can help beginners know what to plant each season, so that they’ll have beautiful flowers year round. Flowers and plants improve any yard and while it may take a lot of effort to get the award winning flower bed it’s definitely worth it.

Diane Johnson graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing, particularly about travel and online classes.

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