Top 10 Most Unforgettable Advertisements

An advertisement’s job is to sell the products that it is advertising. While some are quite generic and bland, others like the following are stunning and will make you smile.


1. Extra

Extra is a brand which manufactures chewing gums. It claims to make the consumer’s teeth stronger. Some time back they created an advertisement which showed a steel spoon lying in a plate. The consumer realizes that a bit of the spoon has been bitten off and then their logo flashes on screen- “The Extra for Healthy Teeth.”


2. Tabasco

Tabasco, as we all know, is the hot sauce we cover our food with when it is too bland or just plain bad. A certain advertisements showed a bottle of Tabasco lying next to a corn on the cob. A significant portion of the corn has been removed and has been replaced by popcorn. The message is clear- the sauce is hot enough to pop corn!

3. The Macbook Air

This laptop claimed to be the thinnest laptop in the world. When it was first launched, the advertisement was placed in a magazine. The reader would flip over a page to find himself staring at a keyboard and a screen. The pages would combine to give the appearance of a real laptop. The Macbook Air is paper thin and Steve Jobs has done a great job in marketing it!


4. Promotion of Kill Bill

When the movie Kill Bill was about to hit theaters, the publicity department came up with a great idea. What they did was plaster a life-size picture of a man whose back is towards us on the outside of the elevator doors. The doors would open to reveal Uma Thurman standing with a knife and the man would be sliced in half.


5. Fitness

A certain fitness studio tried to promote their services with the help of paper bags which were created in such a way that it seemed like the person was carrying weights as he walked around.


6. Paint

AllScapes tried to promote the quick-dry feature of their paints with the help of an advertisement that showed a person’s hand throwing out pink paint. It dries in mid-air and two pigeons perch on top of it.


7. Don’t Drink and Drive

Keeping the welfare of people in mind, a certain company created an advertisement which showed that the markings on a street ended at a building. In other words, the “Stop” sign was on well beyond the pavement and the message the flashed on the screen read- Alcohol Creates New Realities.


8. Parachute Oil

Parachute Oil is manufactured in India and one of their best advertisements showed a bottle lying open on the table. It is dripping oil and a strand of hair is lying next to it. The part where it touches the oil is much thicker than the rest of it which makes the message quite obvious- if you use this oil, your hair will become thicker almost instantly.


9. Awareness about Autism

A certain NGO came up with an advertising idea wherein they put a little girl with her hand up on all their paper bags. This made it seem like the person is holding the child’s hand who is smiling. The paper bag reads “Reach Out to Children with Autism”.


10. Sopranos

When the makers of the popular TV show were promoting it, they attached an arm onto several taxi trunks. This made it seem that the vehicle was carrying a dead body and the sticker next to it read- The Sopranos Only on HBO.

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