Sexually Transmitted Diseases are on the rise amongst celebrities who do not take precautions. Many of the following female celebrities earned a bad reputation for some of their actions. It is no surprise why some of them are on this list.
1. Pamela Anderson:
Pamela Anderson was diagnosed with Hepatitis C, which she contracted from her husband Tommy Lee. The disease affects her liver and was transmitted by blood to blood contact. The disorder is not curable and can cause inflation in the liver.
2. Lindsay Lohan:
This troublesome actress has reportedly had a case of herpes. This STD is not curable and when there is an outbreak, the disease is transferable. Gucci model and one of Lindsay Lohan’s boyfriends accused the star of giving him STD in 2010, after having unprotected sex.
3. Brooke Ashley:
This playgirl star and celebrity also has STD. She has been infected by the HIV virus since 1998. HIV is present in the blood and genital and vaginal secretions of all individuals infected with HIV. Any cuts which come into contact with HIV infected blood are at risk of catching HIV.
4. Kristanna Loken:
This Terminator 3 star comes in at No. 4 on the list of celebrities with STDS. She is bisexual and has had relationships with both men and women. After separating from her husband in 2008, she began dating a woman. She was recently diagnoses with genital herpes.
5. Paris Hilton:
This troublesome star also has been affected by non-curable STD, the Herpes Virus. A prescription drug called Valtrex was found in Hilton’s storage locker with her name on it. The pill is used to treat genital/vaginal herpes. Although Hilton denies the allegations, we cannot excuse her past with drinking and drug abuse. All I have to say is that she needs to clean up her record fast.
6. Victoria Beckham:
Teenagers and preteens who grew up in the 1990s loved the Spice Girls. Victoria Beckham, Posh Spice, married soccer player David Beckham and has become a mother of 4 kids. In 2010, it was reported that she picked up the Herpes virus from her husband. As you can see, Herpes is a very common virus affecting already 3 of the 10 celebrities on the list.
7. Natalie Cole:
The daughter of Nat King Cole was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in 2008 after undergoing a routine check-up. The STD was most likely caused by her repeated drug abuses. The side effects of the drugs caused a number of health problems for Cole. She recently had a kidney transplant to treat her kidney disease.
8. Jessica Alba:
Jessica Alba is another star was affected by the Herpes complex disease in 2007. She has been using Valtrex to treat her STD. According to L.A. Rag Magazine, she got the disease from Derek Jeter. Jeter dated many other celebrities such as Mariah Carey and Jessica Biel.
9. Rihanna:
This singer was pictured a number of times with oral herpes, she most likely received from her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown.
10. Naomi Judd:
This star and singer from the Judds was infected with Hepatitis C in 1991. The diagnoses brought an end to the singing career for the group. She created a Naomi Judd Education and Research Fund to raise awareness about the Hepatitis C virus.
What could be more hygienic to avoid ….
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