Top 10 Signs That You Are A Computerholic

Computers are addictive with the introduction of messenger, social media websites and other applications that get people roused up. People should be aware of signs and should stop while they still can.


1. Washroom breaks with computer:

Many people cannot live without the computer. It only becomes a problem once you need the computer when you go to the washroom. As you sit on the toilet, you play a game on Facebook, check your emails and maybe chat with friends. There are some individuals who do work inside the washroom as well.


2. Falling asleep at the computer:

One person who got interviewed said she is a procrastinator. She would spent hours studying and using the computer for everything imaginable. She would often fall asleep on the keyboard, leaving marks on her face.


3. Neglect:

Shannon Johnson was charged for neglecting her 13 month old son who was taking a bath in the bathroom. She was too busy playing CafeWorld on the computer. It looks like the life of her own child was worth less than a game on Facebook.


4. Playing Games:

I know one individual who played a game called World of Warcraft every chance he got. He would skip school, in order to build on his mastery skills at the game. Sadly, mastering the skills on computer will not help anyone find jobs in the real world.


5. Watching porn:

Married men who utilize the computer to increasingly watch porn are also computerholics in my book. For example, a recent article was written about a churchgoing chauffeur who is 62 and married for 38 years. He used the computer to access porn that crashed his computer. Oops.


6. Chatting:

You are family person, but you go into the chatroom to talk to other people, including the people of the opposite sex. Rodney Jackson killed his wife Kelly Parsley Jackson in front of their daughter for chatting too much and for not paying attention to him. She was chatting mostly with other men, according to Rodney.


7. Constantly checking:

When you are using the computer to constantly check the status of Facebook or other social media, you are definitely an addict.


8. Waiting for people to arrive:

One friend of mine is very desperate. He sits on msn, Facebook and other messengers all day. As soon as I am on, he messages me. He says hi and he wants to talk. He sometimes even predicts when I will be on. Scary!


9. Net compulsions:

Compulsive gambling and betting is also considered computer addictions.


10. Cybersex addictions:

Using the computer to flirt is the last one. When doing the survey, this answer stood out and was significant because it true. Using computers and internet to flirt is scary if someone does it all day.


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