Top 10 Life-Saving Advantages of Viagra

Viagra is a well-known drugs used by both men and women. Almost any adult in the United States has heard of the drug and can tell you what it does. If they can’t, they are probably still living in the 1980s.

Since being introduced in 1998, former Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole has served as a spokesperson for the drug, the manufacturing of the counterfeit pills has skyrocked, and Viagra jokes are now a permanent feature of the popular culture. Type in Viagra in Google and you will understand where I am coming from.

So what is the big deal with “the little blue pill? It’s simple: When it works, Viagra causes a man who is sexually stimulated to gain an erection.

However, Viagra is now being used to treat not only erectile dysfunction (ED). The drug has potential for treating several other conditions. Research has widely improved within the last few years and this article sets out to examine top 10 life-saving advantages of Viagra, the little blue pill that helps make sex 10 times better.


1. Cancer:


Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and VCU Massey Cancer Center researchers have demonstrated that the drug Viagra, when combined with doxorubicin, is an authoritative anti-cancer drug that improves its anti-tumor efficacy in prostate cancer while simultaneously lessening the damage to the heart.

For over 4 decades the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin was being used to treat a number of human cancers, including the prostate. Despite doxorubicin’s clinical efficacy for cancer treatment, its usage is associated with irreversible heart damage, often discovered several years later after treatment. Researchers have been working over the past decade or so to find the optimal therapeutic intervention for defending the heart against the cytotoxicity associated with doxorubicin.


2. Jet Lag:

jet lag

Viagra can help speed up the recovery from jet lag; that is according to the new research done by the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes in Buenos Aires. The brain’s master clock controls the sleep-wake cycle by discharging hormones and neurotransmitters that control a number of functions. It is widely believed that an enzyme called cGMP plays a crucial role in the regulation of the clock.

Viagra is able to boost the effects of cGMP by stopping it from being broken down by another enzyme, PDE5. Research done on the topic found that animals injected with the drug adapted faster to light switch changes, signifying that Viagra speeds up the time it takes for the human body to adapt to jet lag.


3. Stroke:


Recently, 80 stroke patients took part in the Viagra trial, taking place in Detroit. Doctors believe that if given within three days of a stroke, the drug could help both men and women regain and progress movement, language and thinking via its effect on the molecule cGMP, which is believed to generate new cells in the brain. The trial follows successful work with animals and a small number of patients.


4. Heart Failure:

heart failure

Research done at Milan University suggested that Viagra helps patients with heart failure gain the ability to exercise. The drug can increase oxygen uptake, can reduce pressure in the arteries, and improves the working of the lungs. Again, it’s thought that the drug does this by elevating levels of nitric oxide.


5. Endangered Pandas:

endangered panda

This is essentially a version of “I was helping an old lady across the street”, but you can insert your very own glorious adventures and fill in the gaps.

Pandas are the most reluctant breeders in captivity. It is quite understandable, since when do people want to become frisky in front of an audience. But with Viagra, magic can work and the desired activities can occur.

Interestingly enough, Pandas only like to be intimate for 30 seconds at a time while in captivity. The drug induced intimacy can last up to 20 minutes.

Pandas are rare today and are protected by law in China. It was only in 1963 that the first panda was exhibited in a zoo outside of China. Today, there are more than a dozen pandas in most zoos. Pandas can be seen in zoos in Washington D.C, Mexico City, London, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, and Berlin. All pandas in zoos are given double names, which is a Chinese custom. Scientists desire to study the zoo pandas in hopes that they will learn about how to save wild pandas from extinction. There are only about 700 to 1000 pandas alive in the world today so the numbers are quite bleak.


6. Multiple Sclerosis:

multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an ailment that progressively injures the nerves of the brain and spinal cord.  Injury to the nerves in multiple sclerosis may be seen in the alterations of virtually any sensory or motor/muscular functions.

It  often affects women more than men. The disorder is most commonly diagnosed between ages 20 and 40, but can be viewed at any age.

Moreover, it is predominately caused by damage to the myelin sheath, the protective covering that surrounds the nerve cells. When this nerve covering is damaged, nerve signals usually slow down or stop.

Auburn University reports that Viagra may shield people against some degeneration. Research has shown that the drug protects multiple sclerosis patients from neurodegeneration through increased grey matter perfusion in the brain.


7. Underweight Babies:

underweight babies

Clinical trials have indicated that whilst administering Viagra on pregnant women, doctors are able to reduce the chances of delivering underweight babies. Doctors have  also found that Viagra increases blood supply to the womb, which facilitates more nutrients and oxygen for the the fetus and in-turn triggering its growth. Why? Viagra has an enzyme, PDE-5, which makes blood vessels expand and carry more nutrients to the fetus.


8. Pulmonary Hypertension:

pulmonary hypertension

Pulmonary Hypertension is a condition that is widely associated with high blood pressure in the blood vessels leading up to the lungs. To cure this condition, Viagara markets itself under the name Revatio.


9. Diabetes:


Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism and affects the way bodies use digested food for energy. The majority of the food we digest is broken down into glucose, which is the form of sugar in the blood and the body’s main source of fuel.

After digestion, glucose is supposed to enter the bloodstream. The glucose then enters the cells throughout the body where it is used for energy. However, a hormone –  insulin – must be existent to allow glucose to enter the cells. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas, a large gland behind the stomach.

For those who do not have diabetes, the pancreas routinely produces the right amount of insulin to transport glucose from blood into the cells. However, diabetes develops when the pancreas does not make enough insulin, or the cells in the muscles, liver, and fat do not use insulin correctly, or sometimes even both. As a result, the amount of glucose in the blood increases while the cells are starved of energy.

Research done by the  Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in Mexico shows that Viagra lowers levels of compounds associated with heart disease in patients who have type-2 diabetes. The drug is also able to improve glucose control.


10.  Pain:


Viagra has demonstrated immense potential  ability to treat pain in animals and humans. This finding was discovered by a pharmacologist at the Auburn University.

#1 should have been Treats Erectile Disfunction, but we all know this. To get to the good part, Top 10 List decided to skip to the lesser known advantages; using thorough research of course.

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