Given the uncertainty of the global economy as well as the alarming climate changes occurring in the past couple of years, implementing a continuity plan represents a critical risk management step no business owner should ignore. Essentially, the business continuity plan can be defined as an identification of the internal and external threats to the organization in order to develop a proficient prevention and recovery strategy in case of disaster, while trying to maintain a competitive advantage in the industry niche. In other words, this plan represents a safety net that guarantees the continuation of the company’s operations under unfavorable conditions. Let’s analyze the benefits such a plan can bring for your business.
1. Disclosing the company’s vulnerabilities
Because the continuity plan implies a thorough evaluation of the company and focuses on discovering the aspects vital for the business, the direct consequence of this action is to reveal the unproductive elements and the ones you can do without. Analyzing the company from the inefficiency-efficiency points of view will practically determine the non-critical parts to disclose themselves, so you can dedicate additional resources to the products and services that truly matter.
2. Maintaining the costs of insurance affordable
When it comes to implementing risk management strategies to keep a company safe, the first thing any business needs is insurance. Without denying the importance of being covered by a comprehensive insurance policy, it is necessary to mention that with a continuity plan the business owner will be able to keep the costs of the premiums under control. The reason for this resides in the fact that the business continuity plan is perceived as a long term commitment to managing risk.
3. It guarantees the survival of your business
In spite of the fact that few entrepreneurs actually give it a thorough thought, you should know that your company’s activity can be disturbed by a plethora of disasters, be them natural or manmade. What the continuity plan brings to the picture is a secure roadmap that allows you to effectively cope with the hazard, rather than going bust.
4. Provides an edge over the competition
Granted, implementing a business continuity plan is a lengthy and difficult process for any company. On the other hand, if you keep your clients informed about the stages of the implementation at all times, you could surely win their support. In addition, once the process is over, your clientele will be reassured that regardless of what happens to your business, they will be in good hands, even if those hands are not yours. In addition, if you have clients who own businesses, then you have the perfect chance to show them the numerous advantages of working with you, a company with a continuity plan.
5. Inspires confidence and boosts the staff’s morale
In the eventuality that something happens to your business, then you have no other alternative than rely on the employees to deal with customers, prospects, partners and vendors. Moreover, your staff will try to reassure all of the aforementioned parties while trying to deal with their own negative emotions. This is where the continuity plans comes in to save the day: if your employees know that they are safe, then you can be certain that they will put in their best efforts to reassure and inspire confidence in your clients and business partners. However, it is necessary that you review the plan with them several times per year to check if anything needs updating or reconsideration.
6. Contributes to a better organizational communication
Since the business continuity plan typically relies heavily on communication, you will be able to provide the right person with the right info at the right time. Moreover, you can be certain that the communication lines with your partners, clients and prospectors are always open in spite of the fact that your headquarters are practically lying in ruins.
7. Adds value to a company
Efficient communication, a reliable staff and the confidence of the clients that they will be taken care of makes your company very valuable and a very attractive investment at the same time. In addition to that, it is important to note that having a continuity plan when applying for a bank loan, selling some equity or dealing with a new owner will be an overall smoother experience. As a side note, if you share continuity plans with your clients prior to the critical moment, then you will also be certain that they will want to stick around even in the situation when you are forced to sell the business.
8. Can constitute a valuable negotiation tool
By creating and implementing a continuity plan for your own company, you will also have the advantage of identifying potential weaknesses in the clients and partners with whom you intend to do business. Therefore, in the eventuality that one of your major suppliers suddenly decided to increase the price, then you will be able to negotiate the new cost of the materials from an advantageous position. In the light of these facts, a continuity plan represents the best applicable example to the idiom “knowledge is power”.
9. Ensuring an income
If you are currently the owner of a small business, then chances are that your income is directly dependent on your ability to work and supply an income for your family. With a continuity plan, you can be certain to get the cash you need even in the unfortunate situation when you are unable to work due to an injury or prolonged illness. Not to mention that it ensures the coverage for the medical care bills you will require during this time!
10. Keeps your family safe no matter what happens
More often than not, unless they are working side by side with you in the company, your loved ones are clueless about the ins and outs of the business. Furthermore, similar to your staff, in case something happens to you they will be confronting with emotions which have a negative impact on the decision making process. The continuity plan will safeguard them and provide the necessary income they will need in your absence.
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