There are various brain damaging habits like no breakfast, overeating, smoking, high sugar consumption, air pollution, sleep deprivation etc. We should try to prevent all of these. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important.
This top 10 article focuses on the everyday things we do and use and how they can lead to brain injury, or worse, brain damage. This is a very serious topic that should be read seriously. If you find that you or someone you know is hurting him/herself in any of the following ways, consult with a family physician right away.
1. No Breakfast
For those of you who do not like to eat breakfast- you are probably lowering blood sugar levels in your body. In this case, the supply of nutrients to the brain could be affected. When experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they are not joking.
2. Overeating
Overeating causes hardening of the brain arteries called overacting and the act can decrease your mental power as a result.
3.Brain Usage While Sick
Think twice before going to work, while sick. If you are ill, your brain and body needs rest and tie to recuperate. Your brain has to do a lot of work during illness to help your body getting rid of the bacteria or infection. If you do additional work, it exposes your brain to extra burden, which is ultimately bad for its health. So never involve yourself in such activities during illness which require a lot of thinking. If you need to take time off of work, then do so.
4. Smoking
Smoking is dangerous and almost everybody knows it. But on top of causing lung cancer, heart disease, and even death, a new study suggests that the habit may cause cognitive decline in men.
The study focuses on a compound known as NNK, which is common in tobacco. NNK is a procarinogen, a chemical substance which becomes carcinogenic when it is altered by the metabolic process of the body.
Unlike alcohol or drug abuse, NNK does not appear to harm brain cells directly; however, the team believes it may cause neuroinflamation, a condition which leads to other disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis.
5. High Sugar consumption
Overeating, poor memory formation, learning disorders, depression – all are linked in a recent study to the over-consumption of sugar. And these linkages point to a problem that is only beginning to be better understood: what our chronic intake of added sugar is doing to our brains.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), an average American has an intake of 156 pounds of added sugar per year. That’s five grocery store shelves loaded with 30 or so one pound bags of sugar each. If you find that hard to believe, that’s probably because sugar is so ever-present in our diets that most of us have no idea how much we’re consuming. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) puts the amount at 27.5 teaspoons of sugar a day per capita, which translates to 440 calories – nearly one quarter of a usual 2000 calorie a day diet.
6. Air pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in your body. Inhaling polluted air reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a reduction in brain efficiency.
Tests done on mice show that in the long run dirty air could in fact cause actual physical changes to the brain which in turn have negative effects.
The polluted air was the same as that created by cars, factories and natural dust and contained fine particulates about a thirtieth the size of a human hair, 2.5 micrometers, which can reach deep areas of the body’s organs.
7. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to relax. Long term deprivation from sleep will speed up the death of brain cells.
That means that teenagers who stay up late most nights before struggling in to school the next day may have to worry about not just being drowsy during lessons, but brain damage.
A new study suggests they could suffer negative effects for the rest of their lives. U.S researchers found that short-term sleep restriction averts the balanced growth and depletion of brain synapses, which are the connections between nerve cells where communication occurs.
8. Wearing Cap, Scarf or Socks While Sleeping
Gaseous exchange is a requirement between our body cells and the atmosphere. If we cover our head and other parts of the body while sleeping, it leaves a bad impact on our brain. So never wear any cap, scarf or socks while you sleep. It’s a very bad habit that people are used to doing when cold.
9. Eating junk food
What happens to your brain cells when they aren’t provided with the healthy nutrients you need to survive? Your brain cells starve and die! A little bit of junk food will never hurt, especially when you require it for emergency preparedness. Junk food acts as a comfort food and prevents food fatigue in cases of emergency and should not be wholly overlook. However, eating unhealthy food on a consistent basis without any healthy food will cause brain cells to die. Again, you have complete control over what you choose to eat. Pick healthy foods and give your brains the adequate nutrients that they need to live prosperously.
10. Drinking too much alcohol
How many brain cells can die after drinking one beer can? That depends on the percentage of alcohol in that beer. Chances are good that drinking just one beer will not kill any. Getting drunk probably won’t even kill any brain cells. Alcohol can cause a temporary chemical imbalance and structural changes. If you are an alcoholic or you frequently “drink too much alcohol,” you will most likely kill more brain cells. MRI’s of alcoholic patients show a decreased brain volume.
More information about Alcohol Poisoning:
Excessive drinking can pose a hazard to everyone’s health! It can be particularly stressful if you are the sober one taking care of a drunken friend or family member who is vomiting all over the place.
Some people laugh at the behavior of others who are drunk. Some think it’s even funnier when they pass out. But there is nothing funny about the aspiration of vomit leading to asphyxiation or the poisoning of the respiratory center in the brain, both of which can result in death.
Do you know about the dangers of alcohol poisoning? When should you seek professional help for a friend? Sadly enough, too many college students say they wish they would have sought medical treatment for a friend. Many end up feeling responsible for alcohol-related deaths that could have easily been prevented.
Common myths about sobering up include drinking black coffee, taking a cold bath or shower, sleeping it off, or walking it off. These are just myths, and they never work. The only thing that reverses the effects of alcohol is time-something you may not have if you are suffering from alcohol poisoning. And many different factors affect the level of intoxication of an individual, so it is not simple to gauge exactly how much is too much.
Guess we’re all screwed.
What are the sources?!!
Are there some studies?
This is a prove that no8 is a lie?