Since the online environment is full of health guides promoting the importance of nutrients for our body, it is safe to assume that everyone is aware of the important role vitamins and minerals play in the optimal functionality of the organism. What these nutrients actually do is lend a helping hand by facilitating a variety of biochemical reactions, from maintain the health of the eye tissues (vitamin A) to ensuring an efficient metabolic rate (complex B vitamins) and boosting the immune system (vitamin C).
Under normal circumstances, a person ensures an ideal intake of these nutrients via his diet. However, given the hectic lifestyles of modern man and the unsafe practices of the big corporations, the amount of nutrients we get from our meals is not nearly enough. In case you are wondering why a person should make sure he gets the recommended daily dose of vitamins, here are 10 examples of what could happen if you don’t have a sufficient amount of vitamins in your body.
1. Inflammation of the gums
In the eventuality that you are constantly experiencing pain while you brush your teeth or when you chew due to your slightly swollen gums, then there are high chances you might be having a vitamin C deficiency. Mostly renowned for its uncontested ability to ward off the common cold and the flu, this nutrient also has a major role in keeping your gums and teeth healthy. The consequences of vitamin C deficiencies can be observed in sailors who are out at sea for extended periods and because they don’t have access to this nutrient develop various periodontal issues, including scurvy.
2. Insomnia
According to various studies, people who have a hard time getting a good night’s rest might be suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency. This nutrient has a crucial role in the first year of our lives and it is one of the organic compounds that have a major contribution in the formation of red cells. At the same time, B12 is the main regulator of melatonin, a hormone that essentially sets the circadian rhythms of the body. Therefore, if you had trouble with falling asleep lately perhaps you should consider B12 supplements or eating more meals with beef, lamb or seafood.
3. Migraines
Various clinical studies have shown that people who suffer from migraines and especially women who undergo excruciating headaches during menstruation usually have low vitamin E amounts stored in their bodies. While it is true that vitamin E deficiency is actually very rare, the side effects are extremely ugly and the treatment is typically performed under the supervision of a licensed nutritionist or a physician.
4. Night sweats
In case you are constantly waking up in wet bedding due to excessive sweating during the night, then there are high chances you might have a vitamin D deficiency and consequentially, calcium. In general, night sweats accompanied by hot flashes are symptoms mostly experienced by women about to reach menopause and who are prone to osteoporosis. However, research shows that smokers and people who typically drink a lot of coffee during the day could have the same levels of vitamin D and calcium as some women during menopause.
5. Anemia
If you are feeling dizzy all the time, are constantly tired (waking up tired after 7-8 hours of sleep) and don’t have the energy to carry out even the simplest of tasks, then you might be suffering from anemia or severe vitamin D deficiency. Besides calcium, vitamin D is responsible for a wide variety of mineral and other vitamins absorption, so basically without this nutrient your body cannot get the resources it needs to function properly.
6. Itching, burning and the inflammation of the eyelids
The itchiness and burning sensation you might experience in the eyes area on a regular basis might be a sign your body is lacking vitamin A. It is important to note that these are just the first symptoms and if you choose to ignore them – hoping it will go away on its own – things could degenerate into a serious condition like night blindness or nictalopia.
7. Constipation
In case you bowl movement occurs irregularly and you constantly need the help of OTC medication for this purpose, then your constipation might be related to a low level of vitamins D, C, B1 and B9 in your body. More often than not, constipation is a symptom of other problems and is not considered a condition in itself by the medical community. The best approach to learning the cause of your irregular bowl movement is to consult with your physician and run some tests.
8. Weak fingernails
Unless you were confronted with this issue all your life, weak fingernails should always be perceived as a warning sign that your body is lacking nutrients and you should reconsider your poor diet. It is necessary to mention that your fingernails are very sensitive to poor diets and will manifest specific sings based on the nutrient you are lacking. For instance, a soft, flaky and brittle appearance could indicate a vitamin A deficit, whereas having painful hangnails could suggest that you need to include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet.
9. Excessive bleeding
Because the bacteria living inside the digestive system can produce vitamin K, the deficiencies resulted from the lack of this nutrient are very rare. However, several studies have suggested that people who undergo certain medical treatments for extended periods or those suffering from specific chronic conditions also present a lower vitamin K level in their body. The most known symptom for this rare deficiency is excessive bleeding even when the injury/cut is relatively small.
10. Frequent minor conditions
Granted, mild aches and the common cold are usually conditions most of us ignore. However, while you can pay no attention to a muscle cramp after sitting up all day, if it starts happening regularly, then it could be a sign your body is lacking nutrients. Simply put, getting sick frequently is nothing more than a sign of a weak immune system that doesn’t have sufficient resources or power to fight back “invaders”.
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