Top 10 iPad Apps for Teachers

There really couldn’t be a better time to be a teacher, than today with all of the modern technology that we have at our fingertips. From laptops to iPhones to iPads, there are all sorts of great tools available to make teaching more productive and more fun for everyone. Check out the top 10 awesome iPad apps that are available right now.


1. Dropbox


Anyone who has used Dropbox on their PC knows how great it is. If you are not familiar with it, you should: Dropbox is an online file storage app that lets you say ‘so long’ to the days of flash drives and other storage devices. All you need to do is sign up to store files online, and then you can access them from your iPad or your computer.

Once setup, Dropbox will allow you to save files to the Dropbox servers and transfer files from one device to another. You can event transfer files to your PC, which is a great way of uploading photos without going through the hassle of connecting your iPad to your PC.

To download DropBox click here.


2. Alge-Bingo:


Helps you to teach algebra to your students. They can develop their skills in solving algebra equations by playing Bingo. This was actually created by a high school teacher with more than 20 years of teaching experience.

Click here to download.


3. Evernote


You no longer need to have a notebook or a daily planner to keep track of your lesson plans. All you need to do is to enter your plans and notes into your iPad by text or by voice.

Use what you love. Evernote works by connecting all the computers, phones and tablets you use. Anything you add to your account is made searchable and accessible wherever you are. Create an account and get Evernote downloaded on all your devices to get started.

For example, it capture whiteboards. All you have to do is snap a photograph of a whiteboard full of class notes, brainstorms and presentations. We’ll make the image searchable and even recognize handwriting.

You can also use Evernote for Professional Development: If you use the summer break or vacations to improve your skills or continue your education, keep all your notes, resources, lessons and new ideas learned in Evernote. This also works well for teacher in-services, conferences, workshops and seminars that you attend.

Another advantage? You are able to scan graded tests, including scantrons and add them to Evernote. You can then enter them into your preferred grade-book or spreadsheet when you have time. This is also great if you have a teacher’s assistant. You can share the notebook with them and have them help with the grading process.

To download click here.


4.Things for iPad

Things for iPad

A great task manager to help you keep track of things you need to do in your classroom and your appointments outside of it.


5. QuickVoice Recorder

Quick Voice Recorder

QuickVoice is a useful recording application that is easy to implement into your daily life.  You can record new ideas, voice memos, shopping lists  meetings, classes, interviews, teacher evaluation, or even an entire class period. This can be used in the professional, educational, and/or personal setting. It could even help students with studying such as recording useful information for a test or a classroom lecture.

QuickVoice can be used in multiple capacities in the classroom or in your own daily lives. This application is easy to use and implement.  According to QuickVoice it is “the most popular, full-featured iPhone/iPad/iPod voice recorder available.” Check it out today!


6. Neu.Notes

Neu Notes

This great tool allows you to take handwritten notes on your iPad, and also hand sketches. It is a great tool for teachers because it operates just like a white board. All you need to do is turn on your iPad and starting sketching.


7. Skitch


Skitch lets teachers add text and highlight important points on photos, webpages and more. If a teacher needs to highlight a specific concept, then can use arrows, free draw circles and add additional text to the media. It works especially well for teachers that use maps as visual aids in class. With Skitch, they can point out important areas and give students more information in visual form.

Download Skitch


8. Simple Mind+

simple mind+

When you need to teach students the art or brainstorming, there is no better app than SimpleMind+. This app lets you create simple and complex mind mapping graphics. Highlight different concepts by changing colors, lines and borders. You can also copy and paste information form the clipboard to add to the map. If you are working with others who are creating their own mind maps, you can export and exchange your maps with other users.


Download SimpleMind+



9. Pocket Universe



This app is a window to the heavens — literally.


Simply boot up it up, aim your iPad at the sky and, using its internal compass, it will tell you what constellations and starsyou’re looking at. You can also spin the sky to see what’s beyond the horizon. Stars and planets display at the correct brightness for your location, and a simple slider lets you adjust ambient light levels to match those of your viewing location. In a city? Crank up the light, and you’ll see only the brightest of stars on the screen. In a meadow in the mountains? Lower the light, and you get to see much more — including an image of the Milky Way.

Other features include a red light mode that is easy on the eyes. A utility lets you search the app’s database of all stars visible to the naked eye sorted by name, distance or magnitude. And you can browse the complete catalog of Messier and Caldwell deep sky objects (DSOs) that includes pictures of such things as bright star clusters, nebulae and galaxies far, far away.



10. Science 360

Science 360

Produced by the National Science Foundation, this app gives you access in the classroom to science and engineering pictures from everywhere. A great way to reinforce what you are teaching to your students.

Download Science 360

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