Top 10 Steps To Find A New Job

With unemployment reaching alarming percents in both the Western and Eastern world, most people are no longer being picky in hopes of landing their dream job and prefer to settle for less rather than nothing at all. Even though the job market has been weak in the past couple of years and finding a job is more difficult than ever, it is advisable to avoid postponing the moment and to start the hunt ASAP.

In addition, despite the fact that it won’t be easy, don’t forget that nowadays you have numerous means you can use to draw an employer’s attention. Let’s go over the ten steps you should to take to find a new job.


1. Define what you are looking for


More often than not, while it is true that people realize they need to get a job, they don’t really know what they want. In the eventuality that you are in the same position, then one idea is to take a step back and determine what sort of environment, people or culture you would like to invest your time in. Moreover, you should make a list of relevant keywords you can use on job search engine websites later on.


2. Overcome mental obstacles

mental obstacles

Besides the financial setbacks, an unemployed person looking to land a new job also has to overcome some psychological barriers. In short, make peace with the past and focus all your energy on the future. The best method to get yourself in a positive mood implies making sure you are working to find a new position in a clutter-free environment. While it may sound redundant at first, it is necessary to mention that a cluttered working area is the number one enemy of productivity.


3. Make sure you have the relevant skills for the position

relevant skills

If you have been working with an employer for a long time, then there are high chances you are very accustomed to how things used to get done at your former work place. However, if you truly want to be competitive on the job market, then you should re-assess the skills you have and the ones you need for the jobs you are looking for. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to seek internships, volunteering activities or even enter a professional association to polish those skills a bit.


4. Work with a professional resume writer

professional resume writer

Even if you don’t want to accept it, keep in mind that it is almost impossible to be objective when you are talking about yourself. This is why you should seriously consider hiring a professional for this task if you don’t possess great writing skills. Furthermore, if you haven’t been searching for a job lately, chances are you are not familiar with the language nuances and terminology that today’s employers are looking for.


5. Looking for a job is actually a full time job for now

full time job

In case you are serious about finding a new position, then it is recommended you treat this EXACTLY as your normal job. In other words, if you only dedicate a few hours per day or per week then you shouldn’t really have high expectations. On the other hand, putting those time management skills to good use and creating a schedule for this task is more likely to get you the desired results.


6. Make use of the social networks

social networks

If you are only using Facebook to keep track of the relationship status of your upstairs neighbors or to watch the latest pictures of cute cats, then you are missing out on a lot of opportunities. Just because you are not a company doesn’t mean that the branding and marketing principles are not applicable for an individual looking for a new job. Consequentially, reevaluate your Facebook profile and open accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest; also, make sure they look professional. Not to mention that employers tend to evaluate candidates with digital affinities more positively than the rest.


7. Go mobile for more versatility

go mobile

Before you dismiss the idea that having a smartphone or a tablet is helpful when trying to land a job, you should know that according to statistics 75% of people using mobile devices have better chances to find a new position. Not only does the mobile technology allow you to be more responsive when you get an offer, but it’s also highly functional. For instance, when you have several interviews scheduled on the same day, a smartphone will allow you to send your CV or follow up letters to other employers. Moreover, it permits you to browse through job listings on the go in order to make sure you don’t miss any opportunity.


8. Prepare for acing the interview


The way you present yourself matters in both the online and offline environment. To put it simply, if you took the time to reassess your online profiles and ensure they look professional, wouldn’t it be a shame to show up at interviews dressed inappropriately? In addition to wearing something formal or smart casual, it is equally important you do your homework and read about the employers, prepare an answer for potential questions and work on the best way to present your job history in a manner that shows your skills, results and achievements.


9. Don’t forget to send a follow up letter

follow-up letter

Irrespective of how you THINK you did at the interview or whether or not you consider you have a chance to land a job, a follow up thank you letter is a must. Believe it or not, the simple follow up thank you letter or email is another way to stand out in the crowd and reinforce the idea that you are a strong candidate for the available position(s).


10. Accept or decline the new position

accept a positionEven though you will be excited when you will find a couple of offers in your inbox, especially if you have been unemployed for a while, don’t make hasty decisions you could regret later on. Before you accept or decline the new position, it is advisable to evaluate whether or not you are okay with the compensation package, including the work environment, perks, benefits and obviously, the salary.

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