Top 10 Worst Things That Wives Do

Wives are the most beautifully created gifts for men! There are enough lucky husbands out there who just love getting commented “you have a lovely wife”. The husbands have good wives, but it’s normal and obvious for most of them to believe wives as an annoying element. Wives, as women, do have the good qualities which is why men can’t live without them- like they are the best cook, they are just too good with balancing their home-world and the work-place, splendidly well with supporting, managing, protecting. But as soon as they become wives, it seems like witches possess them. They remain no more like the first night – wedding-shy, soft, speaking through silence and just smiling and after few days whatever they speak sounds like the witch casting evil spell!

The wife becomes the nightmare for the husband only when the man is born under destiny to suffer the wraths or destined to turn from man into a hen-pecked husband! Out of 99, here are the 10 worst things that wives do to their partners.


1. Over-demanding


Every woman, before marriage is demanding may be because they like “excess” of everything. But after marriage, they become over-demanding! When men find themselves trapped in a relationship where the wife’s demanding attitude is hard to be tolerated, they themselves find it difficult to think of a way out. Over demanding wives are a pain, they want their husbands to work overtime and buy all the riches of the world to her. Cases are there to show that over demanding and materialistic wives end up satiating their desires outside wedlock. An ideal wife shouldn’t be stingy or spendthrift, she should be conservative and allow her husband to breathe and not force him to work like an ox in the fields.


2. Disapproving


Dear husbands, you have this women in your life who doesn’t get tired of giving you the disapproving look for whatever you do or whatever you say. Because she can’t be ever wrong, she will make men a victim of criticism and simply will not happily agree with her man in most of the things. The reason why a wife disapproves of whatever her man does or says is that he is just not the way she wants him to be. So, she might start accepting you once she is successful in changing you. She doesn’t like your friends coming home and she doesn’t like you drinking up with them. Witchy wives please don’t snatch the right to life and liberty away from the innocent husbands!


3. Dragging


Wives are difficult (not all of them), they like to make things complicated and they have a love for pulling out situations and conversations. For them, it’s men who drive conversations into arguments, whereas the truth is that wives know less about themselves. They love making issues to prove their point or harass or simply to show their superiority. She will start with fights; will start with things up to make men string along with the argument. If it’s a last night’s fight, wives are easily not going to give it an end, the next morning is the continuation of her last night’s fight! It’s a good pastime for the horrible wives to drag an issue and then to drag the hell out of her man. Poor husband!


4. Stalking


Wives are like cats stalking their husband and for the husbands, they feel chained in insecurity. Stalking is one of the things that men hate; there is obviously a difference between spying and keeping an eye. Sometimes wives have no idea why they are being the stalker or over possessive or of suspicious nature. Not every man is a womaniser. Trust your man, allow him some privacy. All women may not stalk but all wives do stalk! By entering into the realm of harassment and doing this scary activity ‘spy game’, they invade a husband’s privacy. Some of the extreme lengths are checking cell phone records, hacking mail box, investigating and sabotaging other relationships of husband.


5. Dictatorship


Are you just forgetting being a wife or it’s an effort of being a mother to your husband? Yes, you really need to give it an end if you are dictating your spouse in every step he takes. Constantly pointing your partner to do or not to do things, to speak or not to, whether to move or not. It is men who can command and wives to obey them and they should not try to over power or control men to react or respond. Don’t impose on them; allow them to live their life the way they want. You surely don’t want to be dictated by anyone. Believe in equality of the gender. Don’t be the master of his wishes, remain a good wife, walk with him, don’t ask him to follow you.


6. Disrespect


Yes, wives do disrespect their men and that too not always unwittingly. Husbands desire respect and thrive on it; they are created to earn respect. Often wives ignore their husbands’ capability of doing something or treat them as puppet, which men hate to be. They also sometimes make them feel incompetent by taking decisions without their husbands say. May be unintentionally, but wives undermine their men’s decisions by questioning him, going against him or simply just ignoring his view points. Wives should try showing love to their men by focusing on showing respect. Bible verses about disrespectful wife “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.”


7. Nag


These horrible wife creatures are quite good with their naggerism, and keep reminding their husbands that they need some common sense (though men don’t allow themselves to be criticised or humiliated). They are the fault finders who can end up getting into the nerves with their continuous comments like “you are impossible”, “you are just good for nothing” and their “why” has end number of “y”. There are marriages which actually fail because of wives who constantly nag about everything and almost anything. It’s hard for them to appreciate things, and they get habituated with complaining about things or trivial issues. For men, it’s something they can’t get used to and they feel being abused.


8. Over-react


Wives do feel bad and they have every right to react but what is the point of over-reacting? (Are you trying to gain power over him?) This is one of the most hated things a wife does to her husband and that’s what sometimes messes up the relationship. Wives tend to over analyse things and then they over react by becoming violent, drag small issues or play the ‘blame game’ in expressing their anger, frustration or sadness. Why not simply put it like this, that wives should better learn about “self-dismissal” instead of over-reacting and making it a contributing factor in marital stress. When they over-react they become toxic which doesn’t harm health but harm their relationship.


9. Cry baby

cry baby

Though there are wives who make their man cry, yet there are the wives too who are just available with too much of emotions. It’s not a good thing for husbands to watch their wives cry with or without reasons. Their wailing sound is very frustrating and renders the husband helpless and irritated. Often, wives get it wrong that shedding tears would either make their husband feel guilty or that’s a way they can keep their husband by their side (yes, they don’t cry for sympathy from husband). When a baby cries, you have options to comfort the baby like shushing and gently jiggle or swaddle, but when a 30 year old lady cries, what a husband is supposed to do then?


10. Sex-fast

sex fast

The worst thing that wife does is using sex as a weapon against the husband. If there is any disagreement or fight between the partners, the wife resorts to saying no to sex until the husband submits to her demands or accepts that he is wrong. When she has a long demand list she uses her charm on her husband to fulfill her wish to buy a new party dress or the newest brand of international skin moisturiser. But once the husband says no to anything or any argument crops up between the two, the wife would quickly decide to go on ‘no talking mode’ and ‘no sex’ or ‘don’t you touch me’ attitude for hours and for days. She will get back to coochie-cooing when her man gets down on his knees. That’s cruelty!

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One Response

  1. kurt

    Women are evil, period. DO NOT GET MARRIED.

    MGTOW–Google it and happy reading.


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