A dream is not just a series of random images or thoughts that you see at night. A dream can say a lot about your personality and your life. A standard dream lasts an average of 20 minutes and a person can have more than 2 dreams in one night. Most people have little or sometimes no memory of their dreams. People do not remember most of their dreams because the part of their brain that helps in retaining things (memory) is inactive when we dream. These dreams are most commonly black and white and deal with people you have already seen.The brain cannot show new faces. The unfamiliar faces we see in our dreams are of people we see on the street or a cab driver. Various psychologists have extensively analyzed dreams that people have and these dreams happen to say a lot about the concerned people and their emotional status. A dream is a way the inner self communicates with us. It is sometimes on outlet for suppressed emotions and sometimes a reflection of our personalities. The dreams are different when one is stressed or trying to cope with a difficult situation and they are different when we are happy. We may see a dream so as to cope with an inner turmoil that we are over selves not aware of or we may see compensating dreams. 10 of the most common dreams people see are listed below.
1. Falling or sinking:
If you dream of falling endlessly and are jerked out of sleep then we know exactly what leads you to dream that. Either you are depressed or your life is out of your control. Your life may be moving in the wrong direction. Something in your life is dangerously wrong it could be related to career, finances or relationships. A dream about sinking is also has similar reasons. It could also imply that you have lost support from somebody or you have come to a point in life where you feel hopelessly trapped in a situation where you take the wrong decision and you feel nothing could possibly remedy the damage done. Hence the dream about falling is like giving up or letting go.
2. Naked:
If you dream of yourself being naked in public, it can have two implications. It can either lead to feeling embarrassed or proud of oneself. Generally when you see yourself naked in your dream it is associated with your feeling exposed. It may relate to a secret or your feelings being exposed, which may lead to you feeling vulnerable and helpless. Seldom does your dreaming of yourself naked makes you feel happy about the same. If you are one of those who feel happy about it then it shows that you re confident about your body
3. Being Chased:
You may have dreamt of yourself being chased by someone, it could have been an animal, a human or a monster. Being chased implies that you are running away from some frightening person or some pressing issue. In the case of being chased by a human, if you look closer you will realize you are being chased by somebody you know. You will then know exactly what situation are you trying to run away from and face it to get rid of such frightening dreams.
4. Celebrity:
Dreaming about a celebrity means that you admire the celebrity and their attention makes you feel good and important. You may dream of hanging around with Salma Hayek if you are a guy or Brad Pitt if you are a women. It may mean that you long for attention or a higher social status. This behavior may be related to low self esteem. You must remedy this by making friends who appreciate you and do not always criticize you.
5. Lost:
If any of your dreams involve you getting lost then it could mean that either you feel you don’t fit in, or it could realties to feelings of frustration and anxiety. You getting lost implies that you are looking for something or someone. You may have moved to a new place or new school or a new job and you are unable to adjust and you feel lost and out of place. It could also mean that you are having difficulty in making a life changing decision. Hence you are confused.
6. Death:
You may dream of either yourself or one of your loved ones dying. Death of a loved one may mean imply an end to their relationship with you due to a rift or some other reason. Dreaming of yourself dying may mean the beginning of something new. You may want to start a fresh it could be a spiritual transformation of some sort. Dreams of death are common when you are suffering from a disease and it makes you fear death.
7. Being cheated on:
If you dream of your spouse cheating on you it does not mean that they are actually two- timing you. It just highlights your own insecurities in the real life. You may have felt cheated on due to your reduced significance in your spouse’s life. You may want to spend more time with them to get rid of such dreams or maybe check their phone records and prove your insecurities wrong.
8. Pregnancy :
If you are a man and you dream of pregnancy then either you want the same power a women has that is of reproducing or you have a desire to come up with a new idea it could be a business idea, a art design or some new venture. When women dream of pregnancy it gives women the instinct to reproduce. So a dream about pregnancy always will lead to a good news and will leave you happier or better off.
9. Late:
If you dream of arriving late at a meeting or an examination, or you dream of failing an examination it generally points towards work related stress. You either have too much workload that you are unable to cope with it or you are just scared about work. Or you may have missed an important opportunity which makes you dream that you missed a bus or a train.
10. Flying:
This is a type of compensating dream. When you dream of yourself flying blissfully it may mean that you have a disturbed or unhappy life. You are living the life you want through your dreams. However sometimes, this sort of a dream can also imply that you feel superior to the others or the desire to rise above all the difficult circumstances that you might be facing.
If this list depresses you then do not worry, some psychologists say that a lot of the times the last movie or TV series we watch before we go to bed influences. So maybe your dream does not have a deeper meaning and i suggest you stop watching jaws( to avoid dreams of being chased by an animal) , superman (to avoid flying or celebrity dreams), titanic( avoid all sinking or dying dreams), the list can go on till infinity. Try and control your dreams, because a lot of times your dreams can just be your own manifestations that could be modes of entertainment for you, after all you are what you dream.
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