Top 10 Valentine’s Day Gifts

“A hundred hearts would be too few, to carry all my love for you.”

I am sure once in our lifetime we have all definitely been charmed with such heart melting words from our love. It is true that there is no fixed day for loving someone of being loved but it is probably been celebrated only to pay utmost tribute to the great Roman St. Valentine who sacrificed his life to glorify the meaning of “LOVE.” And since then 14th FEB has turned out to be one of the loveliest day in one’s life and people simple yearn for this day throughout the year. With our sweetheart by our side, every single day is indeed precious. But being a member of the rat race in today’s life, do we really get so much time to express our love every day? Of course Not. So why don’t we utilize this auspicious day and bring our darling more close to us? But WAIT; please don’t go with a simple “I LOVE U.” Why not getting a surprise gift along with it?

You must have got bored with as usual Flowers, Cards, Pendants, and Cassettes etc? If you really want to make this V-day special then here are some wonderful and unique gifts for you to choose for your Darling in this auspicious day.


1. Marriage proposal:

marriage proposal

Do you think Chatting for hours on phone, roaming around hand in hand, and going for movies etc. is all you want in a relation? Believe me it’s high time that you give something more to your beloved. And thus take fullest advantage of this beautiful day and beg for marriage. Trust me, the day will turn amazing when you will find hat your beloved was waiting eagerly for the same since long. Entire world around you is turning into a devil rapidly. People started losing faith and respect even from their closest person. So it’s the best time to make your love feel secure and bring your darling more close to you by asking their hand for entire lifetime.If you can bring a love ring for your beloved then bliss is all yours, trust me.


2. A Photo Collage:

photo collage

With each passing second, don’t you feel your beloved is turning more beautiful or handsome? Why don’t you make him/her feel the same by gifting your love a photo collage where you paste all his/her special photos with various beautiful quotes attached to each pictures. The collage can have a collection of his/her pictures starting from their childhood till present. You may always keep a picture of you and your beloved and make it more special and gorgeous. Also do let them know through words how finely they have mended your life with love and care.


3. A wristwatch with a picture of yours on it:


A beautiful and gorgeous wristwatch has not competitor in terms of gifts. And if you can present your love with a wristwatch where there is a picture of yours in the center, it could be amazing. Nowadays we all are so very stuck up with workload and we frequently look into our watch to keep up pace with the rapid moving world. And very then if we get to see the smiling face of our beloved on our watch, all our stress might fly away within a fraction of second. Thus it can prove to be a fruitful gift to make your partner happy as well relaxed in his/her way of life.


4. Perfume:


“Whenever you wear this perfume, remember I am always wrapped around you”. How will this quote go with a bottle of most beautiful Perfume? You must know what fragrance exactly your beloved loves. So go and fetch some appropriate perfume for them and make the day enchanting. This will make your lover loves you more and more whenever they wear it. A love letter along with the perfume bottle will add on more passion in the show.


5. Candle light dinner:

candle light dinner

“A Peaceful Romantic resort with your sweetheart by your side,” the thought itself is stupendous right? So let’s materialize this thought in this coming V-day. Take your lover to a candle light dinner, free from all chaos where you can easily make your lover know how much you love him/her. Order those foods which your love prefers the most and surprise him/her by showing how much you are familiar with their favorite items. Also if possible you can book a cabin and ask the manager to play the most romantic song which is your beloved’s favorite. This way the entire scenario would easily turn heavenly and you will get your precious person in your arms forever. Candle light dinner doesn’t always mean that you need to take your beloved out to some restaurants.If more privacy and intimacy is required then we can turn our homes in to a lovely romantic place.


6. Arrange a day leave from work:

day leave

“Darling am I able to give you time which you deserve?” Such questions often troubles up our mind. Isn’t it? Though it’s not our fault but its somehow weakens our relation. So what could be done? Can we not arrange a holiday on this Valentine’s Day? What if you can manage and take a day leave from work on that day? Gifts are very common items for V-Day. The most important thing at this juncture is digging out time for your sweetheart. Spend the entire day with him/her and make your love realize that your work is not important than your beloved.


7. Attractive Gadget:

attractive gadget

World is getting smarter and your beloved deserves something smartest from you. So do you want to make this V-Day special with the blessings of technologies? Let’s gift him/her with a music system by storing all your love’s favorite songs. Also nowadays we get cell phones where we can download various apps through which we can make video chats. So 24hrs your sweetheart can be in front of your eyes. Awesome isn’t it? Then let’s save money for this special day and gift a unique gift to our beloved only to feel them their importance in our life.


8. Hugging Pillow:

hugging pillow

Not married yet? Missing your lover terribly at home? No need to feel upset. There are soft hugging pillows available in markets special made for V-day. Also if you do not get to find one, then place the order according to your choice. Try to get the pillow of a red color and also write “I LOVE YOU” or any love message on the top of it. Whenever your love will miss you, ask him/her to hug the pillow and imagine that you are hugging in return. But wait. Do not get only one pillow. Spend a little more money and get one for you as well. This way you both can feel each other’s love.


9. Gift Voucher:

Gift Voucher

Is your beloved a shopaholic? If yes then it’s a brilliant idea to give your darling a gift voucher of his/her favorite place. If your partner loves dress materials then just go and purchase a gift voucher (of course the amount which permits your pocket) from a famous shopping destination. I am sure nothing can impress him/her so much. This opens the door for your beloved to choose for themselves and this will increase their love for you.Try out this and you will definitely turn out to be the best partner ever.


10. Cake & Chocolates:

cake & chocolates

WOW chocolates!! The name itself melts our mouth, isn’t it? Now think how much pleased your beloved would be if you present a chocolate cake along with some candies.Nothing can beat the idea of presenting a chocolate cake with a beautiful love quote written on it. Since ages Cakes serves as a perfect mode of celebration. If you want to make the moment more special and memorable then you can try and bake a cake on your own for your love.


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