“The sun, the sand, and a drink in hand”. Going to beach and endless pool parties sound so interesting and enjoyable in summer times. Oceans, beaches and soaking in sun gives unlimited fun but along with this some safety measures should also be kept in mind. Fun on the slopes and at the beaches can cause premature aging. Soaking in sun affects the skin badly. It affects the living tissues and causes our skin to become little reddish. Whether its winter or summer, sunscreen should always be used. But people generally remain confused over the SPF number. Over use of Sunscreen may also damage your skin as they are not that much effective in over exposure in sun. So apart from this, there are several foods which may cut in the effect of sun burn. Some of them are listed below.
1. Olive oil.
Olive oil has tons of benefits like improving immune system, lowering cholesterol, moisturizing skin etc.
It is not only great to use in cooking but it is also a strong anti oxidant rich food. According to a study, skin damage and redness of skin can be minimizes by 35% by the intake of olive oil. It is a misleading phrase. Vitamin E and polyphenol are abundant in olive oil which helps in removing free radicals created by sun rays and pollution. Olive oil is also good for dry hair as it fight against dandruff and hairfall. So from hair to skin it is proved effective.
So these were some antioxidant rich foods which fight against sun burn and protect skin from getting reddish. Apart from these, you should also apply a layer of sunscreen during over exposure to keep your skin free of sun damage and pollution.
2. Citrus.
Citrus and Citrus fruits are considered as rich source of vitamin C. It contains many nutrients which are beneficial for health. Citrus fruits like orange and grapes contains limonene which are skin cell protective compounds. Limonene helps the skin cells to recover. Citrus helps in preventing cancer also. In a research published in journal of biomedicine and biotechnology scientists used animal studies to determine if the pulp of orange hindered cancer. The research also shown that it inhibits tumour also.
3. Carrots.
Carrots are vitamin A containing which has many benefits like vision improvement, cancer prevention, anti-aging, powerful antiseptic etc. It contains carotenoids which has antioxidant properties and prevent against sun burn. Carrot juice is also beneficial for relieving stress and fatigue. Not only this, carrot also cleanses the body.
4. Garlic.
Garlic contains a compound called allicin which contains antioxidant that fights against sun damage. Along with this garlic has an immense therapeutic property which helps in treating pimples. It also detoxifies and reduces bloating. Garlic can end up your hair loss as well. And the most interesting benefit of garlic is it helps to reduce belle.
5. Pomegranates.
Pomegranates are exotic antioxidant food. It is helpful in treating sun burn. Along with this it is also helpful in treating diabetes and cancer. It contains three times as many antioxidants as green tea. Its seeds have polyphenol which protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays and also remove pigmentation. Pomegranates are also good for heart and throat. In some researches, it is also found to delay tumors and give a better survival.
6. Aloe vera juice.
Aloe vera can block 90% of rays coming from sun. It is anti-inflammatory which is absorbed in skin and shows good effects against sun damage. Aloe vera juice has even more healing properties. It keeps the skin healthy so that sun rays can’t penetrate.
7. Tomatoes.
According to a study, people who consume five tablespoon of tomato paste daily are 25% more protective against sunburn. Tomato contains Lycopene which is an antioxidant that prevents from sun burn and helps in neutralizing the damaging effects. So tomatoes should be taken with salad every day.
8. Dark chocolates.
“Chocolates are health food for soul”. But are you aware of the fact that it also aids our skin? Yes, dark chocolates contain antioxidants that protect the skin from sun damage and wrinkles. It significantly protects the skin from radiations as it contains phenol compounds which help in reducing the risks of skin cancer. So a square of dark chocolate in a day should be taken.
9. Green tea.
It is the healthiest thing one can choose to drink. Along with improving blood circulation, it is also good to keep the blood sugar stable. Green tea has also shown good results in soothing sun burn. Taking a cup or two in a day can cure the redness of skin as it contains antioxidant. It is also known to aid healthy cells in every age.
10. Red pepper.
Red peppers are low in calories and contain capsiate which is an antioxidant. It decreases the effects caused by exposure of UVB rays on skin. It contains vitamin C which not only protects from sunburn but also keeps the skin youthful. So reap its benefits and avoid over use of sunscreens and other cosmetics.
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