Top 10 Most Disturbing Skin Conditions

Well, having good looks matters the most to almost all of us. A very small pimple worries you the most. Right? But there are some really horrible and very disturbing skin-issues from which not so many people suffer in the world. They are painful; some can even cause deaths as they do not have a cure! Most of the victims suffer throughout their life and also undergo the pain of being ignored by the society.

Here are 10 most disturbing skin conditions that not many people have in this world.


1. Leprosy


It is also called as Hansen’s disease, causes extreme deformation when left untreated leaving permanent damage to the limbs, eyes, nerves and skin of the victim. It is falsely believed by most people that leprosy causes body parts to fall off. But actually, the skin becomes scaly, numb and diseased. Severe effects lead to shortening of toes and fingers as the cartilages get absorbed into the body.


2. Harlequin Baby

Harlequin Baby

Harlequin baby also called Harlequin-type ichthyosis is a disease seen in infants. It causes the thickening of the keratin layer of the baby’s skin. It develops diamond shaped scales of reddish colour all over the skin also causing the eyes, penis, ears appendages to be contracted very abnormally. These scales limits the baby’s movements and leads to cracking of the skin which paves way for bacterial infection and other contaminants leading to life threatening infections as well.


3. Elephantiasis


People suffering from elephantiasis develop very thick skin, especially in their legs and male genitals. In severe cases it can also spread to other body parts like the vulva and scrotum. The scrotum even swells to the size of a basketball! This disease is caused by podoconiosis and filariasis. No vaccines are available for this disease till now but are expected to be developed in the near future.


4. Noma


Noma is a disease that progressively damages the face and it is highly seen in children than adults. Ulcers develop in the mouth and the infection slowly spread through out the face causing tissue degeneration. This is caused due to lack of hygiene and safe drinking water, malnutrition, dehydration, immunodeficiency disease like AIDS.


5. Werewolf Syndrome

Werewolf Syndrome

Werewolf syndrome also called Hypertrichosis is a disease that causes abnormal amount of skin growth all over the body, especially over the face, axillary regions and the pubic area. It is referred to as werewolf syndrome as the victim tends to look like one! Well, since it involves only hair growth, t can be removes using hair removal techniques. Temporary hair removal treatments may last for several hours to weeks. But laser hair removal is one of the best methods for such cases.


6. Gangrene


This is a very serious and life threatening disease where the mass of tissue on a part of the body literally dies! It happens due to improper blood flow in that part of the body which leads to the death of the cells in the infected area. People suffering from diabetes and long-term smokers are the usual victims and are more prone to this disease.


7. Argyria


Argyria is caused by exposure of skin to silver dust and other compounds containing silver. Well, having just red or black spots could be so heart breaking, but what if the entire skin colour changes into something else? Yes, this disease causes the skin to turn entirely blue or bluish grey like the ones in the smurfs movie! The severe cases of this disease can be disfiguring. This is not a life threatening disease though, but it is cosmetically undesirable.


8. Madura Foot

Madura Foot

This is seen in farmers, it is a disease that generally affects the foot of the farmer due to the fungal spores that enter the sounds or cuts in the feet. They do not cause any pain but discharge fluids which later turn into pus filled nodules all over the feet! There are no vaccines to this disease. Only proper hygiene practices like washing the feet regularly and wearing shoes while working in the farm can prevent this disease.


9. Blister


Blisters are like boils on the upper layer of the skin filled with fluid. It could be blood or pus. It is generally caused by rubbing, burning, chemical exposure or freezing of the skin. Even though they are also quite common, too many blisters can make it look really ugly and very painful as they burst to eject the fluid out. These blisters will vanish ones the fluid is removed.


10. Acne


This is quite a very common skin disease that is seen during adolescence that causes scaly red skin, blackheads and white heads, pinheads, large papules, pimples, and possibly scarring in the face, the upper part of chest and the back. But what makes it scary is that, they may or may not even diminish. They can remain forever on the skin. Acne in it is serious form is inflammatory. They form large nodules, also called cysts that appear on the butt, groin and the armpits where one sweats more. This not only spoils one’s beautiful looks but also destroys self-esteem leading to many suicides among teenagers!

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