We are the Young Indians. We eat in high end cafes, wear branded clothes and strictly use Apple products. We work in multinational companies and do not spare any special occasion without celebrations. We are robustly active on social networking sights. Newspapers are an impasse; twitter and Facebook are the new sources of information. Not to forget, we have a wide network of friends and family with whom we stay connected all the time. We are rebellious, outlawed, and even illogical according to some. But, there is more to us than these petty descriptions often made. We are the pioneers of change. We do not relinquish outdated convictions nor do we bask in the glory of the so called “Indian Culture”. We are not scared to be progressive and we do not nurture societal fear in our heads. We have the balls to resist oppression and we are not resilient to positive change. I have ten reasons as to why it is absolutely necessary to see the youth in a different light today!
1. Expanding Knowledge Base
The youth actively uses social networking websites. Most of the times, we learn a lot from the website and use it for expanding our knowledge as opposed to popular opinion. We use Facebook for information on different colleges, cars, interviews, universities, etc. Everything is just a click away! Apart from posting pictures and commenting on statuses, we do use social networking websites for educational and productive benefits. Moreover, with Facebook and other such applications, you can stay connected with all your necessary friends on the go. The advantages of social networking outweigh all else!
2. Politically Active
We have managed to cause political tremors across the face of the nation off late. We do not use our voter ID cards simply as residence proof. We are young and smart and we know how to exercise our rights and change the system of governance. With the emergence of Aam Admi Party, which is essentially a youth based political party, many feel that the space to enter politics is now open for all. It is no longer considered a dirty game. The routes were open always but now established cliches are being questioned and new people are taking interest in politics, especially the youth.
3. Shunned the barriers of discrimination
We are a generation that has completely shunned the barriers of caste, creed and gender. Respect is what we have for our fellow human beings. Since a long time, India has been known for all sorts of discrimination that the country encompasses- gender, race, class, creed, etc. However, the present generation has completely understood that something as immaterial as a person’s skin color should not be the reason for discrimination. The society thrives on merit and not on anybody’s skin color, gender, caste or creed.
4. Dress up according to our own will
Indian cultural history or parental pressure does not decide what we wear. Being comfortable and confident in your own skin comes first! We have our high ranking officials and ministers preaching dress codes for women so that men are not ‘tempted’. Gone are the days when women succumbed to such narrow minded mentality. Women dress according to what they can carry and in what they feel confident and happy about themselves. The same goes for men. The moral police try its best to curtail the liberty of dressing according to your choice. It is good that we have learnt to say ‘no’.
5. Living life on our own terms
We do not judge a person of having low moral grounds due to the number of his or her relationships or divorces. We live life on our own terms: Single, Committed or Complicated! Being in a relationship is about dealing with it in the present times. It is all about togetherness and having fun together rather than brooding about fickle aspects like future, marriage and babies. There isn’t any harm in being in an open relationship as long as it lends happiness. Moreover, the youth deals with shattered relationships better than their elders. We do not believe in carrying the emotional baggage and just dragging on the relationship even after it is tormenting. The youth does not shy away from walking out of a relation if it no longer serves happiness.
6. Marriage: Commitment not Compulsion
Marriage is no more a societal obligation for us. We decide to marry when we have found the love of our lives and not when our parents think we are in the marriageable age. Marriage is taken as a serious commitment by the youth rather than a compulsion of getting settled. Marriage does not always conjure up the image of a “happy ever after” couple in the youth’s mind. We have become more rational and practical in terms of relationships.
7. Voice our Opinion
We question the illogical colonial laws related to a person’s sexual orientation as when the court does not dictate the way we should eat, dance or party; how can it dictate the way we should have sex. The youth has constantly stood for the rights of the LGBT community and other such minorities. Article 377 has been questioned time and again by us and opinionated thought process has been brought in front. A change in the mindset of the populace has been possible as the youth has been able to dilute some taboos by breaking the ice.
8. Protest against Injustice
We do not sit in the luxury of our couches when a girl is raped. In fact, we go out on the streets and protest braving the water cannons and lathicharge. The prospect of such kind of horrendous behavior meted out to our sisters, mothers or friends ignites us. We
9. Vouch for Social Causes
We do not fail to instill sense in our elders when they try to demand dowry behind the veil of welfare for the bride. The youth is constantly challenging obsolete Indian traditions be it changing the surname of the girl after marriage or refusing to accept dowry. Youth is perhaps the harbinger of change responsible for breaking away India from the shackles of the dark ages.
10. Gender Equality
We do not find it difficult to bring fore issues related to gender equality when our male chauvinist friends or family members insist upon educating their dumb sons rather than their intelligent daughters. In fact, males of the present generation support their female counterparts in whatever way possible. Women’s education, rights or reservation we are equivocal in all the aspects.
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