Top 10 Tips to Prepare for Competitive Exams

In order to excel and workout to your full potential in the competitive exam, you must follow these basic guidelines. These are just the basic requisites for success as a matter of fact. Once you go through this article you would realize this. By following these simple guidelines you will surely be able to crack any type of competitive exam.


1. Managing time

Managing time

Time management is the key and the most essential aspect of preparation of any sort of exam whether you prepare for it or in terms of attending it. While giving your exam look through it that you have allotted proper time slots to each and every section. Measure and access your weak points and strengths and divide your time accordingly. Revise properly before exams, as it is very necessary in order to score well. Without sound revision all the labour that you had put earlier during preparations will go waste as remembrance of what was being practiced is a must. Looking through it just few days before exams will not only increase your memorising capability but also increase your self-confidence. You will be more energetic and self-motivated which will prove as a boon in the exam.


2. Practice daily

Practice daily

Success is not a one day phenomena, it requires toil that accumulates through each and every day constant practice. As rightly said that practice makes a person perfect. In order to achieve your goals in life you have to be perfect in every field. Distribute equal time for every part initially and later on lay more emphasis on the part in which you feel you are weak and are not able to cope up with the given problems. You have to also maintain your speed along with your accuracy to get maximum output of your daily practice. You can also use some mock test and solve different questions covering all topics so that you can have maximum practice of different types of concepts involved in solving the question.


3. Be optimistic

Be optimistic

In order to achieve your goals you have to be optimistic and times will come when you will find yourself a little bit confused and low in confidence. The winner is one who fights bravely in this situation and continues his preparation in full swing without being affected by the midway obstacles. As optimism is something that makes us rises from each failure without loss of enthusiasm. Every competitive exam has some pre-requisite and being optimistic and staying positive is one of it. You should be able to learn from your mistakes and would be able to correct them quickly. Maintain a planner which can give sufficient time to you for your learning, practicing, revising and clearing your doubts.


4. Dedication and devotion


You should be dedicated and devoted towards your aim whole heartedly. Work with utmost perseverance and dedication throughout then only you can hope for an excellent result. Create such type of environment in which you are not distracted by the outside things. Create your own circles of students which also solve problems along with you so that you could have a group discussion and your doubts will also get cleared.


5. Concentration and focus


Focus on your targets and work hard with full honesty to achieve them. You should set your goals according to your abilities, the time slot available to you and the resources that you can ensure yourself with. Sometimes it happens that in the middle of the preparation you would feel as if you will not be able to make it, at that point just stay cool and believe in your credentials. You need to just concentrate and focus on your abilities and collect all your strength together to prepare well in a right manner.


6. Self-confidence and belief


It is not possible to crack each and every question, so have full faith in yourself as well as your abilities. Leave the fear aside and make your mind free, you have to be confident as it will give you inner strength to fight in the exam mentally. Take right advice from right people but always follow your heart and work accordingly that will boost your moral. A goal is simply a dream with a deadline so always believe in yourself that no matter what happens you will succeed.


7. Stay calm

Stay calm

The key to excel in such types of exams is to keep your calm always and start your preparations early so that you would not choke at last moment. This would also prevent you from cramming things that need to be understood by you beforehand. As various concepts need time to build up so, give yourself sufficient time for learning and practicing. Be patient and calm. Learning is not always a speedy process. Some concepts and fundamentals may require a specified time and practice to build up. Have faith in yourself and stay positive throughout the preparation of your exam.


8. Go familiar with the pattern

Go familiar with the pattern

As competitive exams are there to take those students who have understood the concept well, are clear in their fundamentals, able to visualise the things and apply the theory to solve the problems so one must know the pattern of the examination in which he/she is going to appear as it is almost next to impossible to mug up the entire subject. While preparing for any competitive exam you have to figure out what are the important topics and on which topics a great command is required as gaining knowledge is not  the sole motive of any competitive exam. In it you have to undoubtedly study that too with great depth but only what is required and what is being asked in the examination. You should study only what is essential for you to know from examination point of you and work accordingly. Proper and correct planning is also one of the key features of cracking any competitive exam. Check the syllabus thoroughly and also remain in touch with the latest examination pattern and inclusion or exclusion of certain types of questions in the exam.


9. Eat healthy and meditate

Eat healthy

As it is rightly said that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Your mid will function well only if your body supports it. This aspect is often overlooked by the students but at later stages it creates a wide gulf between the winner and the looser. Choice your food, a balanced diet is necessary as it boost your metabolism and you will fall sick lesser time. An ill person can never work according to his full potential and this is not able to produce what was required of him. Prepare a proper and healthy diet chart, follow it strictly. Do regular exercise and stretching of body, focus more on consuming less fat and more nutritious diet and meditate at times to increase your concentration power.


10. Clear your basics with correct strategy

Clear your basics with correct strategy

Fundamental knowledge of the basics which are the building blocks of your preparation should be there. Otherwise you will not be able to solve complicated problems. Always remember every complex problem is the result of one of the basic elements that creates confusion and thus increases the difficulty level of the question. Proper strategy need to be adopted in order to juggle well with the fundamentals, all doubts ought to be sought at the point when they occur.

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