“Early to bed and early to rise”.
Sleeping at night is something people all over the globe do. Our bodies have been structured in a manner that they get tired and fall asleep. We have heard the above line innumerable times. But as we grow up, it seems we forget to respond to this basic rule. Youngsters and working professionals are somehow becoming insomniac day by day and sleep just refuses to give us company at night. We are not partying on all days of the week, so the days when we are left alone with nothing much to do , are the days we rummage through our brains the most to try to find out some means to keep us busy when we are awake at the wee hours of the night. This list provides you some good ideas as I am an insomniac myself.
10. Stay Calm
When you cannot think of anything else, it is better to stay calm, the more impatient the mind gets, the tougher it is to stay sane. Stay calm and sink into the bed. I am not asking you to wait for sleep to take over, but stay calm and think of something good or bad or whatever you want. Think about the last vacation you had, or your dream job. Or your screen idol and what you like about him or her. The basic idea is to just stay calm. When the mind is occupied with beautiful thoughts, you will not even realize how and when the last few hours had passed.
9. Read/Study
Read something. Maybe a book, new one or old one or some articles on the internet or the newspaper. Just read anything. For people still studying in schools or colleges, you guys can read your books. May be a new chapter or you can revise the old chapter. After reading for a while, the eyes refuse to take the stress anymore and get tired. That’s when you will want to keep the book aside and close your eyes.
8. Call up friends
We all have that 3a.m buddy. When you are unable to sleep at night, you can always call up him or her. If by chance, that particular friend is busy, no worries! There are many such people like you who are unable to fall asleep. Call them up. Set a conference call if you can, and your night is surely going to be entertaining. You can as well call up friends for a video chat and you will never realize how soon time will fly.
7. Music
Music is the common solution to almost every lifestyle problems we have. When we are bored, we listen to music. When we are happy or sad or angry or depressed or even felling lonely, we take shelter under the melody. So music comes to your rescue even when you are awake at night. Listen to just any kind of music you want to. Soft, hard, punk, metal, just about anything in your playlist. There are many songs in your playlist which have many memories attached to them. So once you let the music sink in, it’s going to be a great night.
6. Have Some Me Time
We are working or studying on all seven days of the week. So when do we get the time for ourselves? May be the nights when you are wide awake. Yes, you can utilize that time in doing something for yourself or just staying by yourself all alone. Being alone always does not mean you are lonely. At times, being alone gives you respite and the peace of mind you always look for. You can also engage in some activity, something that you love doing. It is a great way to pamper yourself.
5. Do Something Creative
As I said, you can engage yourself in some activity. Draw a picture, compose a song, write poetry, make a card for someone close to you. Sounds crazy? But it is a great way to unwind. When you engage your mind in such creative tasks, the mind functions faster and responds by providing you great ideas. You will suddenly feel you are re energized and everything around will seem beautiful, even the darkness of the night.
4. Watch Movies
This is the most common thing people do when they are unable to fall asleep. The mechanism is same as reading. The eyes get tired after a certain point of time and they want to drift off to sleep. But till the time your eyes aren’t able to take anymore, enjoy some really good movies that you want and appreciate the efforts put in by every single technician and the actors in the movie.
3. Surf the Net
If you have access to internet at night, then this is the best thing to do. Surf the net. Do just about anything you want. Read e books, watch videos, talk to people on social networking sites, follow blogs, find jobs- the list is endless, you see. So just do anything your mind tells you too.
2. Make yourself a Cup of your Favorite Beverage
Done with all of the points mentioned above and still not sleepy? May be its time to have a cup of steaming aromatic strong coffee or a cup of Darjeeling tea. Tea or coffee at night refreshes your mind and you are again ready to jump into your next work. Making tea or coffee at night, or maybe even hot chocolate feels so much more adventurous then when you make it during the day. If you stay alone then strangely enough, the entire process of preparing it and having it gives a strange sense of freedom and satisfaction.
1. Hobby Time
Remember that thing you loved doing the most as a kid but had to part ways in years of growing up? Why not do it at night? When at night you are unable to sleep. Take care of the hobbies you had but never got the time to do them. Click pictures, make collages, compose tunes, surf the net for stamps of different countries, hum your favorite song, shoot something interesting outside your house that is happening, or shoot a time capsule video of yourself. There is so much to do when you are unable to sleep at night.
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