Top 10 Most Important Events In Indian History

India has a great history since ages; it includes all the epic events that happened on this auspicious land of Asian continent. It includes events like Ramayana, Mahabharata. Mogul rulers, Portuguese, French and the British rule and many foreigners ruled for years here. India was once known as “Golden Bird” that is very rich country, but as it was ruled and invaded by many foreigners, it lost much wealth and most importantly “Freedom”. The Indians struggled for independence from many decades and by many efforts of national heroes India achieved independence in 1947. But some important events that took place while going through this struggle are unforgettable! Getting freedom was never easy for this nation because of many religions residing together in one nation. As there is still concept that a nation should have one religion to be strong and to be a country, but this obstacle also got banished by some events that took place by which the people understood that whatever maybe the religion but every person in that country was striving for freedom and hence, these important events and the common history brought all the people together and finally India got freedom.


1. Missile Launches and Green Revolution (20th century)

Missile Launches

India has some historic significance that took place after its independence which led the country to new way of Development in field of technology and nuclear energy. The successful invention of great missiles like “Prithvi” (1, 2, and 3) and the powerful Agni versions made a very high place for India in international arena. Also as India’s 69% of population is still based on agriculture, there was need to enhance it and this was done by M.S.Swaminathan introducing Green revolution.


2. Babri Masjid or Mosque Case (1992)

Babri Masjid

It was a very important event that happened in Indian history which taught people that how can the base of religion dispute of Hindu and Muslim in India can destroy Kindness and humanity of people. The dispute arose, as previously a Mughal emperor “Mir Banki” destroyed a temple of Hindu god “Lord Rama” and built a mosque named after Emperor Babar as “Babri Masjid” in the place called Ayodhya which is lord Rama’s birth place. This issue was taken up strongly by Bhartiya Janata Party (B.J.P) which is a political party in India as to win in elections. But as the religious sentiments were aroused of the people, riots were created and the mosque was been demolished by the people’s itself and more than 20,000 innocent people lost their lives in this dispute which mostly included Muslims.


3. Golden Temple Assault (1984)

Golden Temple Assault

The Golden Temple situated at Amritsar is a temple of Sikh community. The military assault that took place on the temple complex led to loss of many innocent lives and also aroused violent dispute between Indian government and the Sikh community worldwide. Thousands of Sikhs came on roads to fight back the military soldiers. This was the outcome of the Indian military operation ordered by Prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi which was known as “Operation Blue Star”. It took place between 3 to 8th of June in the year 1984. This was undertook to bring out Jarnial Singh Bhindranwale who was accused to start major uprising of armed weapons and kept it in the sacred place of golden temple which is objectionable. Moreover he had made his own headquarters in the temple. Afterwards the dispute remained on the hot phase which resulted in Assassination of Indira Gandhi by her own two Sikh Bodyguards.


4. Framing of Constitution (1950)

Framing of Constitution

Our constitution is a written one and framed by our leaders from which the main was Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. India is known to be world’s biggest democracy. This constitution was set into force from 26th January, 1950. This was really an auspicious day for all Indians which made us proud and by which we still survive as one country in this whole diverse cultures and religions. The Indian constitution keeps us together and that’s what we respect about it.


5. Partition of India & Pakistan (1947)

Partition of India & Pakistan

It was a very hard decision for congress to take this decision. Mahatma Gandhi never wanted India to be divided in two parts on the base of religions that is Hindu and Muslim but Jinnah didn’t agree and had great demands. It was the event after independence were people were killing each other due to religion difference and so mahatma Gandhi had to take this decision of partition of India and Pakistan in 1945 and so we have Independence Day of Pakistan on 14th august and that of India on 15th august. This also led to the dispute of Kashmir between the two countries on which still both the countries are fighting.


6. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (1919)

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

This was a breath taking event that happened in Amritsar, India on the day of a festival called “Biasakhi” where the Indians were revolting against the British rule; the difference was that it was intended by Indians to carry out this event peacefully. But as meetings were banned by British officer Dyer, the outcome was the disastrous event of “Jallianwala Bagh massacre”. It happened in this way- where the people of all communities consisting women and children including Sikh, Hindu, Muslims gathered together to protest against British rule peacefully at 4:30 pm, as this news hit the British officer general Reginald dyer he went to “Jallianwala Bagh” with his soldiers having armed weapons, and without warning with all the entrances blocked he ordered the troops to attack people with loaded guns this continued till the ammunition got over. Approximately 1,000 people got killed many of them by stampede and chaos that took place at gathering.


7. Freedom Fighter Stage (1910-1947)

Freedom Fighter Stage (1910-1947)

The freedom fighter stage included some hero’s who sacrificed their life for it. They were none other than Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Kasturba Gandhi, Chandrashekhar Azad,etc and other such freedom fighters who got capital punishment by hanging. Also further a great leader, Mr. Subhashchandra Bose, paved way to India’s freedom with his war intellects but unfortunately he was ditched by some supporters who were going to help his army in the war. That period was an epic in creating different atmosphere in India, socially as well as politically.


8. National Uprising Of 1857

National Uprising Of 1857

Everyone remembers the great and epic event of the national uprising of 1857 where our motherland India got innumerable and unforgettable heroes who lost their lives for freedom and their people. It started it’s phase from the great soldier Mangal Pandey and then Indian soldiers rebellion against the British rule and this paved a way to freedom struggle from other side of the country that is Jhansi were Rani Laxmibai fought for her kingdom. As India was never one country together this national uprising brought the people of different parts together and as the aim of people was same they fought together and ultimately formed a country. Thus national uprising in India is an unforgettable event of Indian history.


9. Shivaji Maharaj (1630-1680)

Shivaji Maharaj

There were many kings and emperors at his time but no one was that wiser in bringing up the war tactics like this king, he was none other than “Shivaji. Bhonsale” who was born in Maharashtra and was one of the greatest hope and rising star in the mogul empire who were invading India and destroying other Indian monuments of Indian rulers. He stated his establishment of “Hindavi swarajya” that is Self Rule, when he was 16 years old. His famous stories include death of Afzal khan, Loot and escape from “Surat” and most importantly he re-captured his forts from the mughal dynasty. He was famous for his different simple, quick war strategies which helped him to fight and destroy the giant forces of Mughals by his small group of soldiers which were also his childhood’s best friends!


10. Mauryan Empire by King Asoka (273 BC)

Mauryan Empire by King Asoka

It was the most big and unforgettable empire with great history of the kings of mauryan empire in India. Its capital was “Patliputra” currently known as city of Patna. And we all are aware with the great King Asoka of this Mauryan Empire who remained fighter for his whole life but the war of Kalinga finally changed his way of violence to Peace that is Buddhism. Not only he but even his daughter and son preached other people to take up thoughts of Buddhism in their life. There was once a time when the whole Mauryan Empire had expanded throughout Indian region and much further. It was the greatest achievement in the Indian history by Kings of Mauryan Empire.

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