Bonjour! Je m’appelle Jihan Khan et Je suis la auteur pour cette article. Aujourd’hui, je vais parler de douze raisons d’apprendre de Français. Did all of that feel gibberish to you and did all of that go over your head? Ahh! Then, calm down as today is your chance to know why you must start learning French. For those of you, readers who didn’t understand what I said right in the beginning of the article here is a translation for you. All I said was ‘Good Morning! I am Jihan Khan and I am author of this article. Today, I will be talking about twelve reasons of learning French.’ French or ‘Français’ as the French say is language of a lot of expressions and words. English has over powered the world with its leadership in empowerment throughout the world today but French is its emerging companion as today, it is spoken and learned in plenty of countries in all continents. Knowing French gives you a lot of advantages in different fields in various approaches. For some, it is a language that is used as a status symbol of sophistication, finance, classiness and uniqueness. Having the capability to handle both English and French at the same time makes a person an asset for any company today. Let’s explore the 12 reasons to learn French.
1. Raison Numero Un: A World Renounced Language
French is spoken by almost 200 million people over a span of five continents which is about 1.1 percentage of the world’s population. All of those countries that speak in French or use it as an official language other than France are known as the Francophonie which has about 40 countries, 69 states and governments approximately. So, that is a lot of holiday destinations for you to go and use your French skills.
2. Raison Numero Deux: The Second Language
After the forecast of English as a major spoken language, French is the second most adopted second language in the world. Taking a rough consensus, French is noticed to be the only language that is though today in every country of the world alongside English. If you have a keen interest in cultural facades like music and Art then learning French will help you apprehend French Art more efficiently.
3. Raison Numero Trois: The Reputation
Speaking French can impress your friends that you have more knowledge about this new language and you know more about a different genre of music and art.
4. Raison Numero Quatre: The Job Market
In today’s globalized era of business, it becomes an added advantage for a job seeking candidate to have the ability to converse both in English and French. Having the ability to be a linguist and also have the quality to talk in French opens down grand doors of success and opportunities for approaching in French as France has the fifth biggest economy or Francophonie companies.’
5. Raison Numero Cinq: The Culture
Talk about a scope in extreme gourmet, fashion, theatrical visual arts, dance and the vintage French renaissance architecture, the first thing that comes to ones mind to relate all that together is French and it’s Platform in France. So, if you are from such a field of careers then it is an asset for you to know French. French art, French music, French architecture, French literature, French cuisine, French fashion and other likely things can be more appreciated by its adorer if they understand French as a language.
6. Raison Numero Six: A Wonderful Travel Experience
Think of holiday in the Europe and the first thing that pops in your mind is Paris. Now, to go to Paris won’t it be a pro to know French from before to enjoy your trip more. France has about seventy million visitors each year. Well, now that’s a lot! Isn’t it? It will be a lot of fun to know a little French while you are on your trip to France so that it can be handy for you and cause you less amount of hassles. Why just Paris? Don’t you want to go to other places for a vacation? Obviously you want too. Well now there are other places that you could go and use a little bit of French and that is in Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Africa, Canada, Switzerland, Morocco, Lebanon and other Francophonies.
7. Raison Numero Sept: A Higher Education Opportunity
A lot of us have dreams of studying aboard so, why not just apply for a scholarship to the French government for you to get admitted in one of the top French universities which are renounced worldwide. Sometimes even when you’re applying to a university in some other country and they see that you know French as an extra language then they appreciate that fact and consider you for the admission than some other candidate who just knows English. Knowing French makes you unique.
8. Raison Numero Huit: The Other Language of International Relations
To begin with, French is the official language at the European Union which is headquartered in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. Followed by English, French is also the official, working and representing language at the UN, EU, UNESCO, NATO, Red Cross and international courts worldwide.
9. Raison Numero Neuf: Opens Up The World
Commuting in the world of social media, it has been observed that French is the third most used language over the internet right after English and German. Having the ability to understand French offers a person to see the thoughts about world issues from a different perspective perhaps a French perspective.
10. Raison Numero Dix: Fun to Learn
French is a very easy and comprehensive language to learn for both children and adults. With the promotion of French learning aids, learning French has become much more enjoyable for both children and adults. If a young child is too be thought English and French at the same time then, it is learned that children learn French much more faster than English as the rules of French grammar are easier compared to English.
11. Raison Numero Onze: A Language for Learning Other Languages
If you look at the origins of English, you will know that fifty percent of the current English word vocabulary is all come from French which means learning French gives you a good base for many Romantic languages like Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian.
12. Raison Numero Douze: The Touch of Love and The Thought of Reason
French is known as an expression of Romance and Love and in modern times, it is considered to be very sexy and seductive. So, a pinch of French in your flirtations with your spouse will make you a little extra special in front of that special someone. French helps a person have deep thoughts and do a lot of critical thinking.