
Top Ten Car Insurance Companies

This Top 10 list contains the top ten best auto insurance companies based on affordability, value of services, and revenues. Because, after all, what good is having a rock bottom rate if you don't get enough in return or can't get the help you need when you need it.

Top 10 Embarrassing Moments of George Costanza

George Louis Costanza is my favourte fictional character on the United States-based television sitcom, Seinfeld (1989-1998), and was played by by the famous Jason Alexander (not to be confused with the guy who married Britney Spears).

Top 10 iPad Apps for Teachers

There are all sorts of great tools available to make teaching more productive, more engaging and more fun for everyone. Check out the top 10 awesome iPad apps that are available right now.

Top 10 Signs She’s Cheating on You

Finding out that a girlfriend or wife is cheating on you can be a sickening thought to many men. There is so much publicity about men cheating on women, especially celebrity men, the fact that women sometimes cheat on men is just simply in existent in mainstream media.

Top 10 Reasons That Push You To Buy A New Car

Despite David Letterman having made the top 10 lists famous, there are more quantifiable reasons why people buy a new car, truck, min-van or SUV. Here are the results of our recent survey done by Larry Vonn Curtis.