Top 10 Most Jeopardous Driving Habits To Avoid

If you break all traffic rules and you expect the other cars to avert a collision, what guarantee do you have that all the other drivers have keen reflexes? But what exactly are the most dangerous behaviors behind the wheel nowadays?

Top 10 Hazards Of Elderly Driving

In the next 20 years, the number of elder drivers is expected to increase 3 folds. Statistics show that elders as well as teenagers are more likely to get into accidents as well as fender benders. This article sets to examine the causes of impaired in elders while driving.

Top 10 Countries to Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving

This list examines the first countries to have banned cell phone usage while driving. When using a hand-held cell phone, drivers remove one hand from the steering wheel to answer their phones. They also take their eyes off the road to pick up and/or search for the phone and to dial a number. This all happens while the driver is operating the vehicle and watching the roads.