Top 10 Stupid Excuses We All Make

If we feel that we are in trouble we start making excuses. Excuses are an attempt to justify something that you have done and also there by proving yourself right. Another definition is to release one from something such as a duty, such as to excuse one from going to school.

Top 10 Extreme Excuses For Being Late

The worst part of being late for an appointment, work or date is that you have to come up with an actually credible story to justify your disregard for punctuality and of course, the other person's carefully planned schedule that you have just messed up.

Top 10 Reasons For Not Doing Homework

Homework is a pain for students. Many youngsters do not like to complete their tasks. They make up excuses which are sometimes preposterous. Here are the top 10 reasons for not doing homework. Raise your hand if you recognize one or two. Don’t be shy we are culpable of at least one.