Here I’m going to list out top 10 superstitions followed in India in particular. These are prevalent in our society from long period of time. Enjoy the read.
If you find it difficult to believe me, have a look at the given 10 famous personalities who suffered (or are believed to be suffering) from Marfan syndrome.
The major reason for this small group of nations to build such a powerful economy was that they were able to drain wealth from their slave countries and now are utilizing that wealth.
A certain charm and enigma behind each of these paintings is what makes one so curious about them. So here is the list of the top 10 paintings in the world.
Before guns and other powerful artilleries were invented, swords were used for face to face fights. Here is a list of the ten most famous and deadly swords from the early ages till today.
Comforting your mind, relaxing your body and compelling you to fall in love with Mother Nature as you lie in her lap is what Switzerland does best.Switzerland is uniquely eminent for countless things. Here are the top 10 of them.
Stuttering is a disorder in which a person’s speech is affected by involuntary prolongation and repetitions of sounds, syllables, words and spontaneous pausing between sentences.