There are a number of things that can bring undesirable changes to your relation that generally go unnoticed by you. Following are certain common things that you think as least important but they can kill your relationship.
Staying in an abusive relationship is not worth enduring. We all have a right to live a happy and good life so dropping out of such relationship will give us better life than staying in it.
Nowadays, TV shows, magazines and certain websites are filled with erroneous information about the premises of a romantic involvement. However, if we were to believe that everyone is bound to follow the paths as the ones of popular artists, we would be exposing ourselves to the risk of ruining the relationship sooner or later.
It is often said that men are from Mars whilst women are from Venus. This has mainly been based on the different thought processes that both the sexes have. Men and women have different schools of thoughts and this is evident in our everyday life.