April fools seems to be a constant event in schools. Students try to annoy and antagonize their teachers in colourful ways. Many do this to get attention; others do it for fun.
Homework is a pain for students. Many youngsters do not like to complete their tasks. They make up excuses which are sometimes preposterous. Here are the top 10 reasons for not doing homework. Raise your hand if you recognize one or two. Don’t be shy we are culpable of at least one.
Entering a college/university and joining a new program sites concerns and worries amongst the student populace. Here is just 10 nightmares students fear to face when entering college or a new program.
Effective teachers are increasingly not the ones who are knowledgeable. Those who are knowledgeable may not be a good and effective teacher. Effective teachers are those who believe that all students are capable of learning. They are able to furthermore connect with all students and provide additional support and material to allow all students to compete equitably. There are more qualities of an effective which this article will survey.
When planning team-building activities the teacher needs to take into consideration some the following things about their students: skills and abilities, special education, English Language Learners and multiple intelligences. It is never wise to group friends together during formative assessments as friends sometimes learn best when apart. The teacher should always choose partners and activities wisely and based on varying skills, abilities and intelligences. In hope this will help those who are struggling to be partnered up with those who are excellent mentors. Taking all of this into consideration, here are the top 10 team-building activities.
Teachers have seen just about everything when it comes to students cheating. Students are becoming creative and will resort to anything and everything to cheat on tests, papers and in school. They fail to realize the consequences of their actions and the impending dismay that can ensue as a result of unfairness and academy dishonesty. Here are the top 10 ways students decide to cheat.