Top 10 Most Memorable Politicians

What is unconventional? Unconventional can be defined as different, doing something that has never been done before. They do not conform to what has been done and do not conform to rules and conventions. Politicians throughout history have done as such. Here are just 10 of them.

Top 10 Rosh Hashanah Dishes

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. Dishes are sugared to help make the year sweeter and more prosperous. Pomegranates, Chickpeas, Bread, Dates and Beets are superstitiously used to bring affluence. As such, here are the top 10 dishes traditionally made of Rosh Hashanah.

Top 10 August Events

August is an eventful month of the year. There are specific events which occurred which deserve mention. Here they are, raise your hand if you recognize 1 or 2.

Top 10 July 1st Events

July 1st was a momentous day in history. Major battles were fought, decisions were made and independent countries were formed. Here are just 10 events that were major and noteworthy.