Top 10 Best Companies to Work for in 2013

Many of the corporations now tried to provide its employees with the best workplace and even offer perks so that their employee can maintain a happy and balanced life. Here is a list of ten companies that has the best workplace and is best to work for.

Top 10 Jobs in the World

Everyone has to work to earn a living. Everyone dreams of the ideal job. Some people dream of a very highly paid job. Some dream of a job where they...

Top 10 Most Common Distractions At Work

While it is true that most of the things found in an office building are there to help people finish their tasks faster and more efficiently, at times they also represent the source of distractions. Let's review the top 10 most common things that hinder you from getting work done at a good speed.

Top 10 Most Irritating Habits At Work

If you think that convenience and the ability to organize your time as you see fit constitute the main reasons why people prefer working from home rather than spending 9 to 5 in office settings, think again. The truth is that many of us give up the office life because of the irritating routine of our coworkers.

Top 10 Cover Letter Tips

Writing a cover letter takes a lot of skill for individuals looking for work. It serves as the first correspondence between you and a potential employer. All employers read cover letters before they read resumes. If there are errors, employers will not read the actual resume. As such, one should take their time to construct a cover letter which sells them in a purposeful manner. Here are 10 tips you should include.

Top 10 Reasons to Become a Doctor

Becoming a licensed doctor is a milestone and aspiration for many individuals. It earns them a title which comes with prestige, respect and affluence. If you have the skill and knack to become a doctor, you should apply. If you have a hard time getting into competitive and prestigious schools, you can try applying to schools in the Caribbean or in Europe. Noting the greater advantages, this article will examine the top 10 reasons people should become a doctor. Do not be discouraged by the prerequisites and long schooling. The advantages will outweigh the disadvantages.