Top 10 Online Resources for Teachers

Traditional books, resources and textbooks are now costly. Many schools try to save the environment by utilizing wider resources; on cyberspace specifically. Here are the top 10 online resources for teachers and written by teachers.



The resource provides access to picture books for students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 in English, French and other languages. The books are interactive and animated. There are sample lesson plans teachers could use as well.



Almost every school board in Canada and the United States has one form of smart technology. Smartboards are popular tools in the classroom. Many teachers are still getting to know how to use the technology. SmartTech provides lessons and presentation templates for teachers.



Teachers could reinforce learning through the use of this website. The website has a tone of games, lessons and activities students could utilize in the classroom and at home. Students love interactive games and they may learn concepts faster by participating in hands on activities.



This is another resource teachers could use for guided reading. They have a wide selection of eBooks to choose from. There is a teacher`s corner where teachers can borrow lesson plans for their classroom.



This resource accesses grade 3-8 students to picture books and novels. They have a huge selection of classic books, such as those written by Shakespeare. This resource is a perfect tool for guided reading exercises. The program is compatible and works well with Smartboard.



It is a free educational website for teachers and parents to use. There are activities, printable worksheets and sample activities teachers could use and download for their classroom. Parents can also login and work on some of concepts at home as well.



If you are a teacher are looking for excellent templates, worksheets and activities, you do not need to look any further. This excellent site provides structured and useful lesson plan templates and rubrics for teachers.



Boys struggle with literacy and reading. This document is very resourceful when it comes to improving literacy rates amongst boys. They provide strategies that work and are useful for struggling teachers who aim to help all their students.



Rubrics are important for assessment and evaluations. Many teachers get confused when creating rubrics. This website has plenty of starters. Teachers can adapt them easily.



If your school is using a Nelson book, there are different online activities which could reinforce student learning. All of them have interactive lessons and activities which are fun for all students.


Please note: the 4 in the url is for grade 4. If you would like for grade 3 or whichever grade, just change the number.


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