One of the epic battles known in the history is the battle of Kurukshetra. Fought between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, it was undoubtedly one of the bloodiest wars ever fought for the throne of Hastinapur.
There are more than 1000’s of animals surviving in Mother Earth. In that, there are some fascinating exotic animal living around which adds a special value to the fauna family.
As you'll see when you read about these 10 world-changing inventions, no invention is created in a vacuum. Every single one was built on previous inventions created by other inventors years, decades or even centuries before.
Human survival in desert is never easy. This is all because of harsh environment and many life killing environment like no water, less rainfall, less or no vegetation and etc.
Here is the list of the natural calamities and disasters that will go down as the worst disasters in human history for the amount of death and destruction they have caused.
For those who think that necessity is the mother of all inventions, think again. You would be amazed to know how most of the major inventions were born out of pure accidents - from the snacks you eat to the things you use in your mundane, daily life.
Snakes have highly-developed senses of sight, taste, hearing, and touch, which make these cold blooded creatures effective hunters and ambush predators. Conservation of snakes is crucial to maintain balance in the food web.
Yes, it is none other than Mount Everest, which sits in the lap of Himalayas, in the Mahalangur section. Here are top ten amazing facts about this tallest mountain
Annals of history show that the bloodied battles and also the two great wars were rooted in some rivalry between nations. Here we will leaf through the reason and justification of the rivalries. Let’s begin the list of most popular and bitter rivals on this globe.