Top 10 Tricks To Lose Weight While Sitting Down

While a great number of people are forced to sit down for extended periods due to the nature of their job, there is also a portion of the population which can be classified as lazy folks. However, a sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons why so many individuals are gaining weight nowadays.

Top 10 Tricks To Help You Persuade Others

Using persuasion techniques in order to superimpose our will or to convince the other person to aid our cause has practical applications in a wide array of fields, from politics to marketing and from hostage negotiations to plain social interactions.

Top 10 Ways Students Cheat

Teachers have seen just about everything when it comes to students cheating. Students are becoming creative and will resort to anything and everything to cheat on tests, papers and in school. They fail to realize the consequences of their actions and the impending dismay that can ensue as a result of unfairness and academy dishonesty. Here are the top 10 ways students decide to cheat.

Top 10 Practical Jokes

A practical joke, also known as a prank is a mischievous trick played on a person, especially one that causes the victim to experience embarrassment, indignity, or discomfort. Practical jokes or pranks are typically light hearted, reversible or non-permanent, and made to make people feel foolish or victimized to a certain degree, although in some