Top 10 Smartest Moves President George W. Bush Made While in Office

The moves of George W. Bush are being assessed based on leadership, decisiveness, foreign standing, crisis management and vision. Bush may not have been popular, but he was elected twice. His job was not the easiest and he did succeed in the following 10 areas.


1. No Child Left Behind:

The act was passed in 2001 by George W. Bush when he took office. It affected all students who attended the public school system. Funding for education since the act increased from $42.2 million to $54.4 million. Standardized tests were implemented to assess student learning. Schools doing poorly would be provided with assistance from the federal government.


2. Aid to Africa:

In 2003, Bush sent $15 billion dollars of aid to Africa to help prevent AIDS in the region. He was very popular in the region as a result. He furthermore contributed to advancing the United Nations millennium project.


3. Lift Ban on Off-Shore Drilling:

Oil Prices rose in 2003. Bush took action by lifting the ban on off-shore drilling. This ban allowed US to use the oil on their property. This action reduced oil prices by 20 cents. In the short term, it was effective.


4. 9/11

Bush was faced with the reality of war on September 11, 2011. He put his nation’s security as the top level of concern. Many people did not agree with his war policies, but cannot say that airports did not feel safer knowing shoes were being checked, hats were being x-rayed and bottles of liquid were not being allowed on planes. No major security breaches occurred after 9/11.


5. Peace:

Bush worked to the last day and spent his closing days as President assisting Israelis and Palestinians in drawing up a ceasefire. His policies were anti-terrorist and he took no chance with Iraq and Iran.


6. Enhanced Interrogation:

Secret prisons and eavesdropping were tactics Bush used to watch over terrorists. He never let them out of his site. This enhanced security nationally and internationally.


7. Anti-Gun Laws:

Bush saw guns as a major problem in the United States. He was not a promoter of selling guns, in fact he pushed for a ban on semiautomatic assault weapons rifles.


8. Ousting Saddam Hussein:

I am not taking a stance on war. However, Bush was able to achieve what two Presidents before him were not able to do. He took down Saddam Hussein and brought him to justice for the crimes against humanity.


9. Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003:

Individual gains, capital gains, dividends and estate taxes were eliminated. Unlike the 2001 cuts, these cuts were made at the right time. Citizens were also able to buy goods and claim them in their taxes.


10. Working Permits for Illegal Immigrants:

To decrease the chaos of illegal immigrants seeking amnesty in USA, Bush allowed for working visas. He was not willing to stand between employers hiring to fill positions which could not be filled by Americans.


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One Response

  1. Jason

    This list is BS.. No child left behind was a terrible act that directed funds to public schools that did not need them and kept the money away from failing schools that could have used it!


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