Top 10 Interesting Facts about Adolf Hitler

His abstract perceptions were a result of his personality, which has been studied repeatedly and in depth. Here are 10 facts that delve into and beyond the rigid psyche of Adolf Hitler- The Noble Wolf.

Top 10 Interesting Facts of Mahabharat

One of the epic battles known in the history is the battle of Kurukshetra. Fought between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, it was undoubtedly one of the bloodiest wars ever fought for the throne of Hastinapur.

Top 10 Interesting Things You Should Know About The Black Sea

Connecting Europe to Asia Minor, the Black Sea is full of surprises and mysteries. From the various theories about how it got its name and rumors about it being the landing point of Noah's Ark to the gruesome facts, such as the intact bodies still resting at the bottom of the sea, it is surely a place worth visiting. Here are some things you might find interesting about this location:

Top 10 Interesting Ways to Help a Recovering Addict Stay Sober

While the backbone of any successful sobriety program may necessarily rest on formal protocols such as attending support group meetings and reading recommended recovery literature, there are many other practices that can help a recovering addict maintain sobriety.

Top 10 Interesting Things about Mars

With all the hype created around NASA's latest mission on Mars, more and more people are becoming interested with this planet. While we're patiently waiting for curiosity to tell us more about the Red Planet, let's review some of the interesting things that we already know about it.

Top 10 Jarring NFL Scandals of All Time

Behind every scandal there are facts, opinions and speculations. I tried to run down through the largest scandals in NFL history. Picking out the facts, here is what I came up with. Please comment if some of this is news to you.

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Nortel Networks

Nortel Networks, formerly the Nortel Telecom Limited, was a multinational telecommunications company with headquarters in Canada. In 2012, top executives at Nortel, including CEO Frank Dunn, were accused of cooking the books. Accruals were shifted in order to prevent profit which would trigger employee bonuses.

Top 10 Interesting Facts About The Somali Pirates

There are some misconceptions about Somali pirates with increasing news coverage. They are gaining the attention of the international community with the hostile tactics. The question this article desires to ask: who are the pirates? What is their motive? Who pushed them to the edge? Well let’s take a look at these questions in 10 interesting facts.