Top 10 December Events

Historically, December has not been a celebratory month, as we all think. Multiple events occurred in this month, marking significant changes. Here are the 10 December Events which are of great historical significance.


1. Pearl Harbour Attacks-December 7:

On the morning of December 7, 1941, America’s naval base in Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan. Approximately 2,400 Americans were killed and more than 1,000 were wounded. This attack marked United States’ entrance into World War II.


2. Adolph Eichman-December 15:

Adolph Eichman was tried, convicted and sentenced to death for his crimes against humanity during World War II. As an SS officer, he was directly responsible for the death of 430,000 Hungarian Jews, amongst others. He was executed on May 31, 1962 in Israel.


3. Russia leaves World War I:

Russia gave in on December 2, 1917 to the Central Powers. On the home and military fronts, Russia was exhausted. They were economically in debt, leading to mass grievances. A communist revolution was ensuing, which led to the downfall of the Czar. Peace talks on this began in preparation for the Brest-Litovsk Treaty.


4. Soviet Union Falls-1991:

The Soviet Union finally falls with the resignation of Mikhail Gorbachev. Perestroika and Glasnost policies paved way for change in a totalitarian state.


5. Canada’s capital is named-1857:

On December 31, 1857, Ottawa was named the capital of Canada by Queen Victoria. This logging town was booming, and was more defensible. The smallness of the town also made it an unlikely target of destruction.


6. Yeltsin resigns-1999:

After 9 years in power, Yeltsin resigns on December 31, 1999. The new millennium ushered in a new President, Vladimir Putin. His rule and ill health was widely criticized by politicians and historians.


7. Statute of Westminster-1931:

On December 11, 1931, the Statute of Westminster was passed. British colonies would now become Dominions. The legislative powers now resided in the Dominions and not in England.


8. George Washington Victory-1776:

George Washington crosses the Delaware on Christmas Day and attacks British forced in Trenton, New Jersey. The tide since then changed, British achieved no luck after the defeat.


9. Martial Law Declaration-1917:

British General Edmund Allenby enters Jerusalem by foot and declares martial law on December 11, 1917. Martial law is the imposition of military rule over selected regions temporarily and in urgency.


10. Signing of Constitution-1787:

On December 7, 1787, the United States had made progress in its quest to become independent. Delaware was the first to ratify the Constitution.


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