We get up in the morning as an everyday routine. Many of us follow it as a day to day boring ritual and nothing else. Our process of waking up in the morning makes us feel frustrated as well as irritated. But we totally forget that mornings are not made for this. Mornings have a special place in philosophy as well as science. Mornings are said to be symbols representing rising of new hope which we should welcome enthusiastically. And therefore our mornings should always be fresh. But I know we people have great jobs to be performed everyday. We have many responsibilities, new goals that are to be achieved and all this we get through only and only hard work, because we all know that competition in life is tough. And yes, nowadays hard work means working day and night which is the reason behind your daily irritated and frustrating mornings and not to forget they contribute to bad health too. So better start to pay attention to make your mornings fresh, because we all know that, ”Where there is health, there is wealth” But is there a problem with you that how much ever you try, you can’t feel fresh in the morning? Don’t worry anymore because I am here to help you out. Now am going to list out for you on the ways to feel fresh in the morning. Which if you follow up regularly, you will surely get the desired results.
1. Yoga
Yoga is very helpful for you to keep your mornings fresh, as well as to make you healthy, fit and fine. Yoga revitalizes your body physically as well as mentally which depends on what exercises that is ‘asanas’ you perform. It includes different breathing exercises which help us to relieve stress, and increase the functioning capacity of our heart and lungs, hence it totally refreshes you from within. Also it includes meditation which increases our brain power, concentration that is we get refreshed psychologically. Hence yoga makes you feel refreshed both physically and mentally. So include some appropriate yoga’s in your morning schedule which would help you to get refreshed, energized for rest of the day.
2. Schedule
If you are already prepared for some work, you feel great for doing so, as you made the plans first and now the work to be done will be carried out smoothly… Isn’t it? Yes, we all know that being well prepared earlier makes us feel great. Hence, to bring freshness to your mood you should prepare your schedule of the day every morning which helps you to ease out things for the entire day which will keep you refreshed for the morning and also throughout the whole day. So bring a notepad today itself to note down your everyday schedule and to take one more step towards the fresh morning.
3. Communication & Decoration
If you wake up every morning and perform your works dumbly all around, you would never feel enthusiastic about the day. You have to eliminate the feeling of ”it’s just an another day in my life” Behave as if there’s no other day as nice as today. Read Newspaper everyday. This will help you to not only gain knowledge about the happenings around the world, but also will keep you getting eager to read the next day’s newspaper. Next step is to, Speak up! Be talkative to the people around you. Discuss your and their plans for the day this will keep you engaged in something innovative. Also decorate the house by all means like for example, cleaning the house, arranging fresh flowers on your common table, changing pillow covers bed sheets having fresh colors, changing your curtains once in a week. This will surely bring the feeling of freshness to you and all members in the house.
4. Laughter Club
Laughter clubs are very famous nowadays. Many doctors, professionals , other field people and especially old aged join them eagerly. We often hear, “Laughter is the best medicine” but how many of us truly use it. We have thousands of tensions, thoughts in our mind which are difficult to be ignored. This can be an obstacle to your make your mornings fresh everyday. Then why don’t have fun everyday? Sure, by joining laughter clubs you will feel fresh and rejoiced every morning and that will lead you to a stress free life ahead. So keep laughing and enjoying.
5. Beauty Sleep
Beauty sleep is one of the essential ways to make your mornings feel fresh. I doubt how many of you male readers are aware of the term “beauty sleep”, but sure that many girls out there are very familiar with it. A satisfying sleep which is considered to be sufficient to keep one looking young and beautiful is known as beauty sleep. Also beauty sleep will bring feeling of freshness and would decrease your health problems, because sleep is very important and it plays a vital role to maintain our mental as well as physical balance. Hence sleeping constantly for 8 hours a day is said to complete our sleep, though sleep requirement varies from every age group. It is the common and basic set of hours required. So sleep well which would make you rise early and with a fresh mood as you are been re-energized after your beauty sleep.
6. Jogging
Jogging is everyday activity in routine of many of us. But I think very few of us carry it out regularly and effectively. Jogging around everyday can also get boring as we use same track for it every morning hoping that we would feel fresh, but it will be good if you try taking different tracks whenever you get bored of the same one. Try taking tracks which have greenery and fresh air all around. And by doing this you would spend some time with Mother Nature as well as would feel fresh ultimately.
7. Music
You must have seen in many movies and reality shows, where the participants are woken up by playing loud music. Why only celebrities? My own mom switches on the city radio station on high volume everyday when I won’t get up even after all her hard work to wake me up. Yeah, sure you can relate this to yourselves as we all tend to be lazy to wake up. But, from my own personal experience, I seriously suggest you to enjoy music in your house every morning because it really has super duper effect on us to feel fresh and musical.
8. Saying Prayer
Saying or performing prayer every morning will surely have a great contribution to make your mornings fresh. Many scientific studies have proven the importance and benefits of saying prayer for our psychological progress. Even if you are atheist that is non-believer of god don’t think this stupid or ignore it. Because saying prayer is not at all a part of spirituality. So feel free to say it, say thanks to the nature and keep belief in your wishes. Prayers are simple combination of our wishes and beliefs which bring positive attitude in us. Existence of God is other issue but the idea of god has been put forth by our ancestors to keep the positive attitude towards life always living. Hence, saying prayer in morning is equal to making a wish everyday which makes us focus on our goals to be achieved everyday and this gives you new way to work and think on it everyday and of course you will feel fresh.
9. Have a good appetite
Yes, you should have a good appetite first in the morning. To feel fresh from within, you have to consume a good amount of breakfast everyday. Researchers have proven that taking heavy breakfast instead of taking heavy meals will help you to lose your weight, which is good to keep your body fit and as you are fit you would automatically feel fresh. To feel rejuvenated in the morning you should include juice of different fruits, heavy breakfast of maybe bread butter and egg or also you can include tea or coffee, whatever you like. Just be sure to have a good appetite so that you would feel fresh and energetic for rest of the day.
10. Be Hygienic
I know many of you may think this as a common method, but no matter howsoever common it may be, it is the first thing that should be done for starting up to make your mornings fresh. Yeah, splashing cool water on your face would surely wake you up in real sense. Then the next thing is to perform your daily routine like brushing, flossing, bathing etc. But don’t delay these works. Put them on the first list to get finished. Then am sure you will definitely get fresh feeling within no time.
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