Top 10 Recklessly Constructed Weapons Of Self Defense

Some of the weapons that will be presented in the following top 10 list are so badly designed and dangerous for the carrier that we cannot help but wonder why authorities allowed them on the market in the first place.

Top 10 Unconventional Weapons

Waging a conventional war means using conventional weapons such as guns, tanks, bombs etc. We no longer see conventional weapons used as means to end war or to commit a crime. Unconventional weapons are used to put the final blow to the enemy and to commit crimes of assault, murder etc.

Top 10 Battle Tanks

Tanks have revolutionized the battlefield making the static warfare a thing of the past. Now an army can capture an entire country in weeks or days...

Top 10 Handguns

The Fn 57 is a Belgian made semi automatic pistol manufactured by FN Herstal... The FN 57 is a delayed blowback single action pistol firing a 5.7x2.8mm cartridge. It comes supplied with a 20 round magazine and has an effective range of 50 ms .It is currently supplied with fully adjustable sights or fixed sights.