Motivation is a unique force which drives us to achieve our goal. Motivation is an absolute necessity for everyone. Motivation can be both intrinsic as well as extrinsic. If there is no motivation in a person’s life, there will be no force to drive him in life. A well motivated person achieves his goal more efficiently as he is focused towards that goal. But the question that will arise is how to motivate you? Motivation can be imposed or self attained. Imposed motivation will be external where as self attained is what comes from within. There are a number of books which are real boosters for motivation. These books really help to gain self motivation. The Top 10 best books to read about motivation are listed as follows –
1. Managing My Values by Ken Blanchard, Michael O’Connor and Jim Ballard
This book is an excellent book which highlights the various ways and reasons for the success of a company. The book tries to bring out the central theme that the perspective business leaders has just started to understand the fact that the success of a company depends on the success of the stakeholders such as the owners, employees, customers and neighbouring communities of the company. It also emphasizes that the success of a company in longer terms will depend on the company culture based on values. Basically it revolves around the pros and cons of the value based organization. It’s a great book on motivation because it would help you to get self encouraged for your business.
2. Why we do what we do: understanding self-motivation by Edward L. Deci, Richard Flaste
This book is an attempt by Deci and Flaste to bring out the abstract of becoming successful in the endeavours with the support of motivation. This book is an Adidas NMD R1 Outlet insightful and provocative meditation on how people can become more genuinely engaged and successful in pursuing their goals, in every sphere of life whether in school, in workplace or in a Nike Air Zoom Elite 9 UK relationship. This book will give you an insight of the cons of the authoritarian motivation and gives a new dimension to motivation.
3. The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell
It’s a book about change. In particular, it’s a book that presents a new way of understanding why change so often happens as quickly and as unexpectedly as it does. The Tipping Point emphasizes that ideas and behaviour and messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. They are social epidemics. The Tipping Point is an examination of the social epidemics that surround us. This book is an excellent insight to self motivation the reverse way.
4. Cheap Nike Roshe Run Raving Fans!: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service, by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon M. Bowles
Raving Fans is a book worth reading for small business entrepreneurs. This book is also an excellent piece of guide as to how successfully manage the customers. This, in a nutshell, is the advice given to a new Area Manager on his first day–in an extraordinary business book that will help everyone, in every kind of organization or business, deliver stunning customer service and achieve miraculous bottom-line results. Raving Fans uses a brilliantly simple and Outlet charming story to teach how to define a vision, learn what a customer really wants, institute effective systems, and make Raving Fan Service a constant feature–not just another program of the month.
5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
This is a classic book on how to get more things done. Effective or successful people get to where they are due to the habits they have developed. Obviously, there are good habits and there are bad habits. This book talks about the 7 habits that many successful people seem to have in common.
6. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz.
This book highlights the philosophy that, If thoughts become things, then it’s to your advantage that you think big thoughts. If you think big, you will achieve big dreams. How you think of yourself, your goals, and your life in Cheap Puma Fenty Suede Cleated Creeper general will have a great impact on the results that you actual experience in life. This book will help you have more belief in yourself in order to think big and have the confidence to see those thoughts through.
7. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
This book is a brilliant book on motivating yourself to work hard and work smart. Much of your chances of accumulating wealth as well as being successful are mental. In this book, you will find out how millionaires think. When you think differently, you will take different actions. When you take different actions, you will get different results and if the results that you’ve been getting in your life isn’t something you are particular proud of, then a change is in order.
8. The Magic of Believing by Claude M. Bristol
This book tells you to believe in yourself. Believing in yourself is one of the most crucial things you need if you hope to be successful in life. Many people have great ideas and even have the plan to get them there but because of their lack of belief in themselves, they often either never even start or make progress and sabotage themselves. This book will help increase your level of belief and confidence.
9. Unlimited Power by Anthony Nike Air Max Invigor UK Robbins
Anthony Robbins is one of the best motivational speakers of all times. His book is a bit technical since he talks a lot about NLP but you will get a lot of great, specific instructions on how to change how you feel which means you will have control over your motivational level. Overall a great book on motivation and a must read.
10. Year to Success by Bo Bennet
This book is well conceptualised as this is one of those 365 chapter books where each day, you will have a short article to read covering all types of topics from motivation, time management, success, money, and a bunch of other topics. It’s a pretty huge book but it’s full of great information.
This is so inspiring. 31# “A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension.” is one of my favourites.