Top 10 Reasons Why We Still Need Nuclear Power

With the accidents at Three Mile Island (1979) and Chernobyl (1986), countries put the brakes to their nuclear programs. This past decade, Ernest Moniz hints a renaissance with countries’ willingness to renew their nuclear programs.

Top 10 Reasons Why Economic Sanctions On Syria Are Ineffective

Worldwide violence leads to question of urgency. Civil unrest around the globe has existed since the end of the Cold War, dashing hopes for an “End of History”. Western nations have imposed sanctions on countries like Syria (2001) to protect the liberties of the citizens and to deter a possible action that would affect various actors in the global arena.

Top 10 Reasons Why Israel Will Not Attack Iran

Recent reports have shown Israel’s willingness to strike Iran by Christmas. Iran is one of the most serious threats to stability in the Middle East and the world and the means and motive to strike Israel. American and Israeli intelligence agree that the Islamic regime in Iran will be able to complete a nuclear weapon within five years.

Top 10 Reasons why Google+ is Popular

100 million users are expected to utilize Google+ by February of 2012. By the end of 2012, Paul Allen, founder, sees 400 million users using the application by the end of 2012. So what is it about Google+ that is sparking so much attention? This article takes a look at 10 reasons why Google plus is gaining popularity and momentum.

Top 10 Reasons Why People Find Tennis Hard To Play

Tennis is a game that requires great skill. If one does not master the skills, they lose confidence in themselves and quit. If one is committing themselves to playing the game, they must understand the following difficulties people face and be willing to learn.