Top 10 Childhood Disorders

Special Education has evolved throughout 20th century. We no longer see children and adults with disabilities as being retarded. Many curriculum guidelines have taken out the term, retardation, and made it impossible for doctors to institutionalize children with disabilities. Here are just 10 childhood disabilities that are prevalent in our school systems.

Top 10 Inexpensive First Date Gifts and Ideas

When going on first dates, many men are unsure what to buy a girl as a gift. Furthermore, they are worried about being too cheap. Here are 10 first date gift ideas that are inexpensive. It is the actual thought that will matter in this case.

Top 10 Countries with Death Penalties

According to Amnesty International, at least 5,837 executions were carried out in 22 countries and territories in 2010. This article looks at the top 10 countries with death penalties and capital punishment. It also examines those who use it and are out of control.

Top 10 October Events

October has been an action-packed month throughout history. There are many momentous occasions which this article would like to make mention.

Top 10 Best Cars For Teens

When buying a car for teenagers, parents look at the safety, cost effectiveness and fuel efficiency of the cars. Furthermore, the look and appeal examined by the teenagers determines whether the transaction is made.

Top 10 Countries Affected by HIV

As of 2009, there are approximately 33 million people infected by the HIV virus and epidemic. Africa has the highest number given its high poverty rates, little access to health care and its under developing position in the world.

Top 10 List Of Nations Without Self-Determination

This article provides a list of top 10 nations (people) who are not self-determining. For various reasons the United Nations has not yet recognized their independence. Before, I present the list it is essential that we differentiate between the nation and the state.

Top 10 Moving Companies in North America

If you are ever in the need to move, here are 10 companies you can call. Almost all of them provide services to commercial and residential clients. Many of them have offices in both Canada and the United States. Some even operate in other countries in Europe and abroad.

Top 10 Influential TV Teenagers

The follow top 10 influential TV teenagers are excellent role models. They may have some faults, but work to better their lives. They are usually portrayed as bring protagonists who struggle similarly to real life teenagers. Many teenagers love watching them as they clearly connect when necessary.