Have you wondered why US was at a default in August of 2011? This article seeks to examine US expenses and debts. Where has all the money gone? Let’s take a look.
Animals, including insects are unique. They standout for the number of legs they exhibit. I cannot imagine having more than 100 legs. Can you imagine what you could do? Let’s take a glimpse in the life of those with multiple legs.
Birth Control has been around for centuries, although it wasn’t used as often as it should have. This article examines the 10 birth control methods and the history surrounding them.
Sheila Copps is 1 of 4 candidates, running for the role of President of the Liberal Party. Many Liberals believe she is the hope of the party, who can spark interest, rebuild internal operations and entice new members. I think she would have the opposite effect for the following 10 reasons.
Two historical schools of thought have emerged regarding the origins of The Final Solution. In 1982, Tim Mason created the intentionalist vs. functionalist debate. The intentionalists argue that it was Hitler's intention from the beginning to annihilate and exterminate the Jews.
Many celebrities are the biggest criminals. They have spent more times in jail than the average Canadian and American. Here is just a list of few celebrities. The charges and records are countless; this is just a small list.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychological disorder which causes individuals to have thoughts and fears in their minds, in the form of obsessions. These excessive thoughts and fears are mitigated by compulsions, prompting individuals to excessively do things in a certain way.
Aboriginal reservation systems were a point of contention since before Canadian Confederation. The reserves were built poorly and have caused problem which have led to state of emergencies, tragedies so forth. Here are top 10 reasons why Aboriginals are better off living off reserves rather than on them.
The following is a list of foods which cause gas. Gas can be easily eliminated with all the right steps. One should however remember that passing gas is normal.