Top Ten Biking Trails

Thanks to the conveniences that modern day travel can provide,  traveling via bicycle is often overlooked. With a hundreds of beautiful bike avenues crisscrossing almost every continent, there is absolutely...

Top Ten Bizarre Pets

There is a fascination worldwide to own exotic, bizarre or dangerous pets even though it is considered illegal to capture or breed such animals.  The following are some of the bizarre pet animals that are...

Top Ten Sports Movies

The following is a list of sports films which is a compilation of films in the genre covering sports activities.  Most of these movies now have their main characters idolized in local gyms around the world...

Top Ten Dangerous Roads

There are several dangerous roads that can make travel both dangerous and exciting. Given below is the list of the top 10 most dangerous roads.   1. Bolivia's "Road of Death" North Yungas...

Top Ten Ridiculous Patents

There are some ridiculous patents awarded to some of the inventions that were absolutely ridiculous. In fact, some of the patents were withdrawn after some period of time due to certain reasons. Here we will...