Nowadays, if you’re looking for a house, a date or even a service, the best place to look for it is on Craigslist, an online classified site that is categorized by virtually any city.
Computers are addictive with the introduction of messenger, social media websites and other applications that get people roused up. People should be aware of signs and should stop while they still can.
In 2008 & 2009, Google only listed just two major competitors – Microsoft and Yahoo. And now in 2010, Google lists 10 major competitors starting from Microsoft, Yahoo on top of the list. This is not...
A smart card is your typical chip activated card, made of plastic. It contains embedded information through a memory or microprocessor chip. The idea was first introduced in Europe almost 3 decades ago. Now many people in different countries use smart cards for library, for government applications and even driver’s license.
Piracy is an increasing problem. This article looks at the reasons why people should not pirate software, music and applications. Many programs such as bit torrent and Kazaa are not reliable.
Times have changed. Women are increasingly finding top jobs in fortune 500 companies. Many of them are changing the IT world and influencing our future. This article is dedicated to 10 of them that pave the way.
Hacking has been a never ending threat to the online community, which has IT gurus as their master minds. These master minds are high-end intellects, in the field of computers and internet. These people have that extra time and the little devil sitting in their mind, which leads to all the trouble created by them.
Application software enables the computer system to run and examples include Windows, Linux and Mac OS amongst others. Application software on the other hand enables PC users to be able to do their day to day activities on the computer, e.g. surfing, word processing, gaming and desktop publishing.
I was looking through some accounts on LinkedIn and found important information missing. This article tries to look at what people do not but should know when creating an account on the Social Network.