Canada has abolished the death penalty. The history of capital punishment dated back to 1749. In the next 227 years, 1481 people were sentenced to death and 710 were executed. The only method was through hanging.
Sheila Copps is 1 of 4 candidates, running for the role of President of the Liberal Party. Many Liberals believe she is the hope of the party, who can spark interest, rebuild internal operations and entice new members. I think she would have the opposite effect for the following 10 reasons.
Canada has the oldest companies that are still running almost 400 years later. Many of their priorities have changed, but are still operated under the same name.
A great Prime Minister is a leader and not a follower. He/She makes decisions which the citizens and demo follow. They are also open to the public and make every effort to improve Quality of Life. The following 10 Prime Ministers of Canada have done the exact opposite.
Estate Litigation is the process of getting rid of all assets and property. The following top 10 estate and civil litigation lawyers will help set up a will and a trust for your estates.
Many Canadians have expatriated to the United States and Europe. Many are not aware of their inspirations and early life stories. Here are top 10 Canadian Born Celebrities, Canadians are proud to claim as theirs.
Canadians have contributed to the scholarly world, many 21st exemplary political scientists. Many scholars on this top 10 list have revolutionized literature paving way for greater debates. Many of them are visiting scholars in universities around the world and are recognized as the best in the fields.
Canada tends to get overshadowed by its mighty next door neighbour, but it has a unique charm of it's own and there are many places worth a visit in...